Flag On the Moon

I'd heard that the patents on their basic bricks ran out, so to continue the brand they had to continue with new gadgets and special licenses.

If by "necessary" you mean "built in", then sure.

Movies are best when they morally punish their fanbase!

Hey, whatever keeps you out of the library.

You know it; he's got more kids than Screamin' Jay Hawkins!

Valerie's Week? You're weak!

Isn't that how it normally works? I mean… well, that's how it's been working for me so far…

Acting? In a Star Wars movie?

Wasn't there a woman in Empire who was the air traffic controller on Hoth? Or did I just imagine her?

That line reading was so bad it took me out of the movie for a few minutes. Poorly written, poorly acted, poorly directed - wars are messy, fine we get it. Let's get back to blowin' shit up!

It gets all the love it deserves. It was filled with ideas that don't go anywhere, visuals that weren't half as clever as they thought they were, actors abandoned by the script and an ending shamelessly stolen from Destroy All Monsters. Mostly, it was just dull.

Old people need not be fit!

Without him, Boxcar Willie and Freedom Rock, I, uh, well, I'm not sure. But TV would've been different,


"I wish none of you people found out about this."

Rollin made a lot of movies. Like a lot of people who made a lot of movies, the quality of those movies varied greatly. Just because Bob Clark scored a sleeper-classic with A Christmas Story doesn't make Superbabies: Baby Geniuses 2 somehow not-terrible. Same with Rollin and Zombie Lake.

This is the person who says you should put butter on everything so you can also get the diabeetus? Like the Teen Moms, Bachelor(ette)s and Kardasians, I pretty much only know her from tabloids while I'm standing in the checkout line. I gotta stop buying one bag of groceries at a time…

Zombie Lake is awesome in that the entire time, you're thinking "I could make a movie at least as good as this!"

The Aristocrats!

Maybe "put down" is a euphemism for "chugged"?