Flag On the Moon

I have a soft spot for Chevy Chase because he was the first time I realized that humor wasn't universal, and that people could honestly, legitimately find things funny that I simply did not. I've never liked him, never found his act even cluckle-worthy, but thanks to him, really, I learned that's OK.

And snark. And they can watch HBO in the break room if the promise not to rub Nabin's head for good luck.

@Miller And here I thought I was special! Well, not really, but I thought maybe Disqus thought I was, which is sort of like when you buy enough booze at the store that they stop carding you even though you look underage.

One time, two, maybe three times it's luck. After that, it's you.

I remember Eminem singing about it.


There was a classic NFL films where his coach (John Mackovic, I believe) was miked. And he was yelling at Blackledge "Second and 19! You keep giving me second and 19! I'm really, really struggling to find a play for second and 19." Been awhile since I saw it, so it may be a little paraphrased, but I always think of

Really? It would seem Olestra would be such an elegant choice.Like a sucralose-based twinkee.

Joke's on them - she's not gonna pay taxes on any of the million!

Well, like each bullet impact having its own paragraph, with long descriptions of the fear and confusion of the animal as it gets shredded, one bullet at a time. Graphic descriptions of blood splatter and bones breaking, yelps and cries of pain and long, long descriptions of the guilt and anger and shame of the

Per the book I read on the John Carter fiasco, Disney's entire goal with marvel is tween/teenage boys (they have legions of princesses for girls). Making a PG-13 Wonder Woman that would appeal to teenage boys would be really, really hard. They don't want to be her (like they do, say, Iron Man), and since girls are

Cheap. Comic book character with minimal CGI and no powers.

No, Mars Needs Moms proved no one likes movies about Mars (though snark aside, it's not like there's ever been any real blockbuster in all the Mars-related attempts), and John Carter just reminds people of Jimmy, whose fans still don't much think of him as some kind of shirtless action hero.

No. The'd like you to consider seeing the other movies because money, but they know if they make them actually hard to understand alone, people will try anyway and get upset and poor word-of-mouth will sink the thing. So no, you don't have to know shit ahead of time.

Arrghhh!!!! No one makes worlds! What the hell does that mean?!?

I dunno. I thought orange juice and peppermint schnapps would be disgusting, but last Christmas I was really getting into it.

And played Layla, which was about a friend's wife he was boning. Because God.

+3 ECL

Kids, let me tell you about another so-called "wicked" guy.  He had long hair and some wild ideas.  He didn't always do what other people thought was right.  And that man's name was… I forget.  But the point is…  I forget that, too.  Marge, you know what I'm talking about.  He used to drive that blue car?

I dunno; the Jesus Clone Saga had a lot of really deep things to say about religion, identity and why clean socks are way more important than you think. One More Jesus Day was total crap, however.