BBC's Mark Kermode called her IKEA Knightley, which though funny was a bit unfair. Nobody who shares screen with Orlando Bloom should be criticized for being wooden.
BBC's Mark Kermode called her IKEA Knightley, which though funny was a bit unfair. Nobody who shares screen with Orlando Bloom should be criticized for being wooden.
Thanks to internet, these appreciation cycles are on steroid pace these days. You will unfortunately get to see it much sooner.
" Okay, I’ll admit it: I actually liked Limp Bizkit’s “Nookie” the first time I heard it. …"
Fuck context, fuck the age at which this happened, anyone who says that should not be hired to scrape dogshit off the road. Let alone write about music.
Do they know the other meaning of special, as in retarded?
I was surprised by that usage, but figured if it cleared their proofreaders it must be legit.
Pssst Scott, it's time to stop being angry at Twilight.
Indian vegetarians have 100s of dishes built ground-up on vegetarian ingredients. This in my mind makes all the difference because majority of western vegetarianism is about simply replacing meat with some ass-flavored substitute. So even when you’re a vegetarian, you’re still using useless meat-eating ways to define…
If you haven't seen his episode with Emeril, you should. Emeril's show is awful, but the guy is a five-star chef. AB, despite years of shit-talking was professional and honest enough to acknowledge that fact. I don't disagree with anything else he says on the terrible Food Network hosts either. I like the part in this…
The sense I got from his book was that he hated their sanctimonious tone and as a professional cook he was revolted by the fare on the veg restaurants' menus. As someone who's flirted with vegetarianism, I back him on that. Most vegetarian restaurants that aren't awesome small joints in ethnic neighborhoods are crap.…
He also used his day job to school a 9/11 truther a few weeks ago. I'm generally baffled by this "Gary X = asshole" tone on this thread. The few comments of his I've read were sincere and thoughtful. Maybe you longtimers know more than I do.
What's with the Gary X hate? He's cool.
Yeah, but when it comes to babies, DIBS ON VALENTINE PLACENTA.
Please post the lulzy link where she compares her books to classics. Daddy needs some laffs.
K, let's not split hairs.
King is a good pulp author. Good middlebrow authors can usually be found in the pages of The New Yorker. None of the above, anywhere close to great.
Agreed, nobody’s angry, we just like to laugh at their stupid asses. Next up: It’s time to stop being angry at John Mayer’s music. Followed by a 5,000-word essay about the simple pleasures of being young, silly and getting lost in a guitar solo.
I think Marah is confusing internet assholism with anger. We make fun of everything, so it seems wrong not to make fun of such a ripe target. The situation in Sudan makes you angry, Twilight, not so much.
We repeatedly and rightly tell legions of comicon / scifi nerds to grow the fuck up. We're extending the same courtesy to Twihards. Maybe one day there will be female Apatows and Kevin Smiths who'll figure out a way to make money out of this demographic and all will be well.
It's one hell of a ride. If you don't like it, I'll pay you back in Pakistani rupees.