Fast Zombie

Let's also talk about the sweet six-fold sleeve.

Yes, Dwellings. I'm surprised that's the only boner in there.

Thanks, nothing drastic. Writing project greenlighted, lifestyle changes etc.

Hipsters is a strange way to describe old-school Metallica fans.

Hells yes Loud, the tiny corner of AV Club free from Bon Iver aka Peter Cetera's Diarrhea.

A fellow Thickfreakness fan I take it? I just can't get mad at them, it is what it is. On the bright side, the commercial radio will be less shitty for about three minutes every time their new song is on.

This is news to me. The couple crust punk / metal sites I saw had rated them highly, as they should.

I'm on board with most of this thread with a slight variation. I think Deliverance is the first time the cracks became visible. Ghost Reveries is the last one I truly liked. Watershed, total holding pattern. Heritage, admirable ambition, shit songwriting. I'd rather listen to Thick as a Brick.

Except Black Album was way below the ones that preceded it. This one does the crowd-pleasing thing much better. You bring up a good parallel though. Bob Rock and Dangermouse get the same level of hate for what they did to people's beloved groups. In my humble opinion Rock deserves it more than DM.

Jason, It's really unreasonable of you to not talk about my #1 album of the year, Amebix. I had no idea they were back until I found out in Loud. Thanks.

Fuck you, Miller.

There can be no disagreement that it's the album title of the year.

You response is incomplete. Please go back and resubmit with "Some of my best friends are ___."

Hyden, I appreciate what a good sport you've been about this Dawes nonsense. I may even give them a try.

Why is it baffling? It's not like the market's saturated with hookey rock songs.

"El Camino is so relentlessly crowd-pleasing that it feels a bit inconsequential; there’s no room for the sad, sludgy ballads that used to anchor Black Keys albums in the band’s new, sugar-heavy music."
And thank fucking god for that. There are any number of dull downers to scratch that itch. But I agree partly and

Is it me or does anyone else feel that part of Little Black Submarines sounds like "Aqualung my friend, don't you start away uneasy?"

Britney Spears, Kanye-Z, Bon Iver and Drake because they're so far ahead of the times that it will take me five years to catch up.

I'll be the ageist douchebag. This is the list every hip uncle adorned with a v-neck tee is bumping to.

You know it would and you know it's a good thing if it did.