Sorry, she is a bit preoccupied at the moment.
Sorry, she is a bit preoccupied at the moment.
Counterpoints: Dylan, Tom Waits
Judging by the picture above, America's got Babs Streisand With A Small Penis.
Ah radiation, that explains it.
Hence Assenio's clever use of the word.
I said he's a conservative, not a retard. It is possible to be a conservative and disagree with the drooling idiots that have taken over the right wing.
Which partly explains Lulu
I saw this title and immediately knew who and what it's about. I now know what it's like to be a dirty smelly Star Wars nerd.
Homie, this is Eastwood we're talking. He's always smartly sneaked his conservative ideas right under everyone's noses. I don't see why this one would be any different. I suggest you read Ellroy's trilogy to feel better. It's a great trip from a very powerful man whose moves just can't be fucked with, to a little…
Antichrist is the only Von Trier film I've seen. Enjoyed is the wrong word, but damn it's powerful. I also like how he took the Cabin Fever-type genre hacks to school. The morning scene in the cabin was an effective demonstration of how you can do creepy quietly and with so little. I'm going to see this one next.…
I thought this would be the place to ask this: There's so much hate on the Feed (proposed) trilogy. The synopses sounded cool. What gives?
You want to be creeped out by old-guy prose? Try Tom Wolfe's descriptions of young women. Nobody beats Updike of course.
I haven't read Whitehead, but I like the idea of him fucking with the critics who are neck-deep in the self, consciousness and shit.
Knock yerself:…
Not all of them are good, but poke around and see what you like.
Hey, fuck you all. Respectfully. Done with zombie fiction my ass.
I don't care for the lit reviews on this site either. To be fair, the new lot of reviewers seem to be more on-point.
Jeff Dwyer's review of a smaller Murakami book makes some of the same points as this one."To characterize it as briefly as possible: easy on ear and mind alike, it’s the type of prose I would call sort…
I like Norwegian Wood, which in some ways is Sputnik Sweetheart minus the magical happenings.
Hasn't he always been?
So this year's contender for Bad Sex Award, then.