Pssst! You are a woman according to reliable sources.
Pssst! You are a woman according to reliable sources.
As someone whose last hiphop album was Blu - Below the Heavens, I agree.
The most important truth: Every serious Doors fan above a certain age is a twat.
I liked that he made fun of "that guy" without turning him into a punching bag. For all his ridculousness he does get music. Things get very AV Club-specific with, "He's developing a nice line in Wire."
Hey, he inspired Danzig who likes his onion soup.
If you want to find out what happens to that guy when he grows up, read Juliet, Naked.
Why helloooo beautiful actress!!!
I was being facetious. But to be boringly serious, why do you think a small-town politician is not capable of doing those things? I think they're capable of much worse.
His idea was to show them as a small-town version of Chenney-Bush. Obviously their crimes were downgraded to small-town scale.
Ha, that was my setup for posting Grim Kim's Atlantic article.
One of you smart people with a Wikipedia account should post this review on their page. These dipwads aren't going to find it by their emo-bitch selves.
Search Avenged 7X on this site. Some epic butthurtage, that.
That woman is also the official "hottest chick in heavy music," so you can stuff your Bush-era miserablisms in a sack, mister.
If you like them as the new GWAR, sure, otherwise I'm keeping a beady eye on you, mate.
Counterpoint: My favorite Oasis songs were warm nonsensical tunes to swill beer to. Liam's disinterested bray didn't always work. Noel's live album has some very nice versions of Oasis songs.
My city is handling the sales through the local venue. No drama necessary.
I am going to hell for a shit-you-not sober review. I like big butts and I cannot lie, but this book is gross and so is the big breast book. It's like one of those stupid deli sandwiches that equate lots of meat with taste.
Big Book of Nose Hair is where it's at.
This is one of the best "interviews" on here. It also replaces the "Would you ask Tom Petty that question" meme. Back to reading the rest of it and snorting beer through my nose.
I hate you if you saw them with Anthrax. I was a baby. Wah.