Fast Zombie

Hey Tea Party muppets, The next time some artsy guy drones on about your crowd at the presidential debates, you know what to do.

So… Gang of Three then.

It's not the browser. As someone who's using Chrome for a year let me assure you it's DiqSuqs who deserves the hate.

Step 0: Read Ray Bradbury and cling to his hokiest American small town characters.

You wouldn't have to go very far.

Nobody here is hating it because they took a different direction, nor is anyone jonesing for Leviathan 2. Change in direction is fine in principle, but when said change sounds shit, people tend not to like it. You may even call it the opposite of progress.P.S. Wolves in the Throne Room would like to have a word with

They can airbrush their site and Wiki pages all they want, but the plain truth is they fucked up. Link

I have read print version at my cousin's and it most certainly was not 4 stars. This is some sad ass-saving on their part.

I think CtS was their Black Album (not as bad as the diehards believe it to be) and this is Load. The reason for thousandth Metallica comparison? They themselves brought it up in interview saying how they didn't like it at first when Hetfield started "singing," but got used to it eventually. They should've stuck to

Black Shadow,
I have a minimum three spins rule. All my Mastodon records have gone past that mark many times over. I don't want them to sound the same. And I completely disagree that CTS is their best. I like it well enough, but as a distant #4 compared to what I call the big three.

You called? As someone who's steady bitching about this album for weeks, I gotta call out all that "commercial sellout" nonsense. That is the laziest criticism out there. I think they are just doing whatever the hell they want, which this time around happens to be on the poppier side. I don't like it, but I'd rather

Go nuts with this Comics Alliance piece.

You know they've been streaming the whole album since last week, right?

All the metal blogs are convinced, convinced I say about the awesomegoodness of the new Mastodon album. The hipster places, not so much. With great shame, I'm with the broken clocks on this one.

AVC = Internet Cheers

What's the word on the street about the 2004 special edition trilogy? Didn't it have the original theatrical cuts in addition to the Lucas-fried ones?

Helen Hunt

I have no doubt kids have heard a lot worse and can handle some more of that. The question is should they? I understand everyone will have different boundaries, but to discard something just because it's championed by one million dumb moms is equally hive-minded. Like someone said below, forget kids, as an adult I

Christians are unfair to Christianity

37th Chamber, If you see this homie, now you know what I was getting at.