Fast Zombie

So many issues. What's so bad about wanting to preserve your kids' innocence? I'd like to teach my hypothetical kids the facts of life the right way — sex ed or some plain talk with the parents. Promoting healthy body image and chill attitude towards sexuality is great and we should laugh at conservatives who get the

You Genji are entirely too reasonable. It's always the mediocre ones who try to pull shit like this thinking they are so edgy and transgressive.

"Who could possibly hate a film built from such a disgustingly wholesome foundation? "Me, I find it as repulsive as Human Centipede.

Honorable Black Man, sometimes with a side order of Magical.

Fucking hate it and I have tickets to Blowpeth and Craptodong.

The full Mastodon album streaming here

At this point if you truly care about the original it's your moral obligation to torrent it, distribute free copies right outside his house, and so on.

Nope, that is indeed the best part. Since this thread is for the heretics, I find Chewbaca as annoying as Jar Jar. I also don't remember getting excited by any of this shit once my age reached double digits.

I am not opposed to some retroactive love for this B- album.

Jackson himself says good things about the cover.

Dear sir, I like your work and would appreciate it if you post more often on the reviews of P4K-approved acts featuring one guy singing like a bitch and three others playing their instruments badly.

I'm disappointed my brethren, so many comments and not one said "LOLtallica."

So you're exactly like every AVC commenter who posted on that article w/ Kat Danning's pic, except female. And also except KD is attractive.

Two season. I'll see myself out.

Agreed and agreed. Not going to put a link to Playboy for obvious reasons, but I  recommend it over that article. It is essential reading for understanding the movie. For every boneheaded thing Peckinpah says, there are two insightful quips. To cut it short, he thought the book was crap. Dustin Hoffman's character was

Yep, Hot Chip needs more listeners. I still don't quite get LCD.


No he doesn't get a pass. He just cheerfully took what was of use to him and made it a lot more sadistic minus the bigger questions the original asked.

I would gladly give him a broken bottle with jagged edges if he picked a bar fight with Haneke, and by broken bottle I mean verbal encouragement of course.

He wasn't trying to be a nice guy, he was just a bitch who only entered the fights he could win. It comes to a point where he has to die, or die defending his home, his castle — a majorly bonerific theme for Peckinpah.