Fast Zombie

Peckinpah's own "Men be men, women be bitches" comments (out of context) do not help. He sometimes came across as an inarticulate Cormac McCarthy.

Don't sleep on his passive-aggressiveness either. He's shown to be quite a shit in his own ways.

Is there, like a Sean O'neal Style Guide for the Newswire?

Sadly, in our nanny state, the registerds can no longer log out to live out their troll fantasies.

The other way round, Axl = dick.

Judging by this picture, I'd say big-eyed alien with dash of terminally ill Michael Jackson. Congratulations idiot stylist and photographer, you have a gift for making anyone look bad. I like her music in small doses, the same as Andrew Bird.

Yes, if I remember correctly, most of the praise was for creating the mood. The plot and the ending weren't said to be the high points. I love that film, flaws and all.

OK I'll take over from Zarnac and Kolchack as a target of ridicule. I know so so little about the Stones, I'm listening to this album for the first time. "Miss You" is indeed a boss track. And then FUCK YOU SPOTIFY COMMERCIAL IN YOUR MOTHAFUCIN' EYE. "HEY Y'ALL IT'S YO BOY IYAZ…" SOME HORRIBLE AUTOTUNED SHIT ABOUT ALL

Which, you'll agree is better than their old slogan, "Fuck the women, they are no animals."

I predict this movie will get a terrible review in Rolling Stone. I also follow Jim Cramer's stock tips.

Cassette never was or will be a choice of an audiophile. They fucking suck.

It's been emotional.

Bertie Wooster no less.

I stand corrected. It wasn't an interracial love affair.

For more scientific information, see Dead Alive.

I sincerely hope the fans of this series grow up to be successful filmmakers, writers etc. Star Wars can't fuel the lulz factory forever.

"Writer/novelist is a type of artist…" Allow me: What the good Captain means is, her writing sucked ass and also balls. Have you read "The Objectivist Ethics?" It's the sort of heinous shit my high school English teacher would've emptied her red marker on. She is a witless word assembler, is what he's getting at.

Yeah unearned liberalism is grating, but come on, it's nowhere close to Randian fuckwads' thought fumes.

Widen your horizons son. Rich people from poor countries, some of the biggest Rand disciples.