King's version of Dick Cheney was a lot nicer than the real one.
King's version of Dick Cheney was a lot nicer than the real one.
Should I declare myself as an illiterate? Because I constantly bitch about King's endings and that's one of the few I actually liked. Seemed like he was deliberately fucking w/ the conventions. The hero army guy does nothing. Pleading and random kindness saves the day.
Also the exact reason why most fucktards shouldn't have Rotweilers. And yet said fucktards not only have Rotweilers, but they also have guns.
Sorry for the second Chan-Wook post. Even Sympathy for Lady Vengeance type deal is not too far? If anyone deserved mass stabbing, it was that dude and still that was deeply uncomfortable.
The Park Chan-Wook Newswire post got me to think about the whole business of revenge v forgiveness. Again.
Awfulness like this just confirms that you're fucked no matter which path you take. (Revenge will destroy you and you're not big enough for forgiveness.)
I've got a question, serious as a heart attack:
Where's rap at, or does the title disallow that category?
His music just isn't awesome enough to worry about the art v artist debate.
It's a fun time waster and better than the original.
People are essentially Telletubbies. They see something 20 years ago, they clap their hands and go "Againagainagain." The warm comfort of familiar mush should not be underestimated.
Yeah, I saw it recently and have a bone to pick with the 80s nostalgia-mongers who recommended it. Still, I feel Kathleen Turner's fans' pain. Foul remake this.
No, he is a kid. The other MPDB retards act like one.
He's fatter than Cook.
Throw in a pickle and I'll give you pass for the next nine months. Also, Rudd is indeed a pleasant mofo.
Hayden Christensen anytime he's talking about sand.
Ah, forgot about it. That was inspired.
I have seen only a couple on this list, but Splice has got to be the worst of the lot.
Del Toro would've kept Hobbit to a single movie, so yes, no disagreement. I always thought Devil's Backbone was meh, a test run for Pan's Labyrinth, his best film.
2 wrongs = 1 who give a fuck
Or penis, mostly penis.
Ruining kds' dreams vs. ruining kids. Lucas can safely add breakdancing Yoda and still stay ahead.