
Are we sure that she was lucid enough to actually care about anything in that moment, or understand that Chuck was there and speaking to her? She most likely was dreaming/hallucinating about Jimmy.

Well, she pretty much directed at both of them, simultaneously. I thought the strikeout of Jimmy in your comment was intentional, not an edit. It definitely works.

An eyewitness positively identifying a suspect wouldn't hold up in court?

Now that you mention it, it reminds me of Sara Goldfarb's meltdown in Requiem for a Dream.

Many of us actively avoid them, jackass.

Well, they most likely waited until the graveyard shift, probably even having Ernie recall what time it was that Jimmy relieved him of watching Chuck. That way they're more likely to speak to the right employee.

I didn't pick up on any use of her "feminine wiles," either. She was just engaging in a sales pitch, in which it always helps to be likeable. Although likeability can be outmatched by smug condescension and economies of scale from time to time.

It is for customer only!

Yeah, he ripped the tag off a mattress and left some unpaid parking tickets before he became Saul Goodman.

The Post-It's and file folders in the Mesa Verde boxes were also Hamlindigo Blue.

Nice catch!

We're also led to believe that Mesa Verde hadn't already signed the most basic of representation documents with HHM. If they had, Kim wouldn't be able to go near them once she's out on her own.

They said in earlier episodes that the Mesa Verde account would be around $250K per year in billings. A lot of money, for sure, and nothing at which to scoff. But proportionately, it never seemed like that much for a firm the size of HHM. Just look at the size of that building, constantly humming with billable hours.

I thought that conversation was between Chuck and Jimmy

I will never understand why Kim didn't outright tell them that she was unaware of Jimmy running the ad without D&M's approval. It's the truth, it wouldn't be a betrayal of Jimmy in any way to say it, and Jimmy went ahead and made that point clear to Chuck on his own.

That's a good point, and something that hadn't occurred to me, regarding the potential blowback on Kim. Chances are that Chuck didn't do all of that paperwork himself, and it would be an interesting plot point if Jimmy inadvertently screwed Kim over in his efforts to help her and, let's face it, himself.

I don't know if it was the same actress, but in season 3, Mike dropped Kaylee off at the same house we saw tonight, and her mom was outside.

I was half-expecting a rapier in sidewalk chalk

I'm really glad he didn't kill himself over making that Thanksgiving pie, so many years ago. Especially since he's become so fond of making them these days. Gotta use lard.

HHM probably didn't fist her on interest rates (6.8% and 8.5% for Stafford and PLUS loans, respectively, when I was attending American Samoa). They presumably let her pay them back at cost, or the long-term AFR, which is currently around 2%. Also, tuition was much less expensive in the mid-to-late 90's, when she was