
The guy with the red hair does standup?

She said it's around $15K, and Ice Station Zebra Associates does have $10K at its disposal.

He was entitled to non-interference.

She said that facetiously, as a way of pointing out that Walt's actions and behavior paint her conversely responsible decisions as being unfair and oppressive. The decision in question when she said that, was when she said that they couldn't give their son a brand new car out of the blue, as it would draw attention to

That's a good point. Chuck stated it as fact, but the evidence is circumstantial, unless Jimmy admitted it, which Chuck didn't mention IIRC.

I agree. The Jimmy we met in the pilot episode of BCS, and in the flashback to when he passed the Bar Exam, was not Slippin' Jimmy. He wanted to do everything the right way. If Chuck could have seen that, and tried to shepherd and mentor him, then Saul would have never come into existence. Instead, Chuck let his

I was thinking about this last week, as the big reveal last season and Howard's efforts to help Jimmy were supposed to put us on his side. But then I remembered the way Howard still took a piece of cake after crushing Jimmy's dreams. A truly good person would have felt awful about being an instrument of evil in that

Even if they recognize the pandering behavior, he's still very amicable and entertaining, so the sharp ones are probably happy enough to interact with someone who isn't a caretaker. Every nursing home scene makes me think about how frustrating it must be to feel disregarded by society like that.

As much as we can all hope that the series eventually shows him living something close to a meaningful existence in Omaha or anywhere, I fully expect a scene in which Kim tearfully tells Jimmy that he ruined her life.

That dick prosecutor who kept repeating "petty with a prior."

Because he can't shake his fondness for Kim, and the alternate timeline of his life and what could have been?

Yes, on Sandpiper property as well.

I'm in the minority around here, but I hated that movie. It felt so manipulative. I know that the events transpired while the documentary was being made, which changed the course of everything, but goddamn did it not resonate with me the way it was meant to.

This is one of the most insane fan theories I've ever read regarding a (to this point) minor character.

I think it's more along the lines of Moon, with preset clones of Kaylee.

In the "Shotgun" episode of Season 4, Mike bitches out Jesse for saying "I'm the guy." In which, Mike says to some effect, "You are not the guy. I had a guy, and now I don't anymore. But you most definitely are not the guy." Thereby implying that Mike was above Victor on Gus's food chain. Can't say for sure if Mike

While he is correct, and clearly a superb lawyer who can't be faulted for following the Rules of Professional Conduct, he destroyed Jimmy and created Saul by declaring himself a moral and ethical authority ranking above the character committee that assessed Jimmy's credentials before he even sat for the Bar Exam. What

It took me a minute to realize what that sound was. Perfectly executed to convey the bristling, annoying distraction he brings to Jimmy's life as a "real" lawyer.

Not only do I avoid the "next week on," I change the channel when a commercial appears, if I happen to be watching AMC during the week between episodes. I do this for other prestige cable dramas, as well, so thanks a pantload, ganews.

Can you even print that?