
I just prefer to go into every new episode with a blank slate as much as possible, with no expectations other than enjoying what I consider the best current show on TV. I avoid the commercials and "next week on" even though I know they don't really give away significant plot points - I want to see every scene in each

I didn't get bent out of shape. The title was mentioned on these boards, which I've thoroughly enjoyed for over a decade, and would never fault the contributors of this immersive space for such instances of bearing interesting and relevant information.

Quite the opposite. I would have enjoyed the titular misdirect.

It didn't spoil the episode, but it has been a very well trod theory around here for weeks that Chuck's house would burn in the finale, simply because of that title. So I'm not way ahead of anyone in this space.

Jimmy's performance to repair the old ladies' friendship was completely unnecessary. All he had to tell the ladies who were stonewalling Irene was: "Look, she was listening to her lawyers. You remember the peanuts thing I showed you? That's how it works, but the lawyers don't present it to Irene that way. They tell

I would like to address the disservice that the title, "Lantern," did to this fantastic episode. With all of the references to lanterns placed upon stacks of newspapers throughout this season, the zoom into the lantern with amplified sound effects in the cold open was all we needed to ratchet up the tension in that

Damn right.

Shady lawyer? I am morally outraged by this thread, Mr. Mayhew!

He will forever be Kern Little, whose rap career was but a bottle rocket.

I agree that it was written to show Bayley's white privilege. But I believe Poussey was charged with intent to deliver/distribute because she had a bunch of pre-rolled joints, and I have to assume that place on the river was some type of federal property, otherwise she wouldn't be in federal prison. He still got a

I agree that Caputo would be very unlikely to want a prison riot in any scenario. But this comment made me realize that the entire TV news crew was likely still in the building during the riot. There are so many pieces in play for Season 5 to really hit the ground running.

I agree with you.

What I meant was that it would be profoundly idiotic for the showrunners to merely play it off as the "accident version" of Eric Garner. I interpreted it as their commentary on a systemic problem that results in real deaths of innocent people. I didn't read Wiley's interviews.

I also think his backstory served to highlight the lack of a proper vetting process for DOC officers, and the types of people who might actually take those jobs these days. Not many people actually want to be a prison guard, so here's a hapless kid with no direction and seemingly no future planned, and he waltzes

I see where you're coming from, and I immediately thought of Garner, as did many. But I don't believe it was meant to be a direct parallel or homage to his tragedy, so much so as a reflection on the many innocent lives taken over the years as results of badges, power, and ultimate responsibility being bestowed upon

I said the same thing about the CPR. Despite their many glaring flaws, most of the guards in that room are veterans capable of performing CPR. McCullough seems like someone capable and good enough to at least try. Otherwise, I feel that this season has done a commendable job of bringing to light the myriad atrocities

The solicitation is an actual issue of professional responsibility that could cause problems. However, Chuck's behavior was very deceitful in convincing Jimmy to hand the case over to Chuck's own firm while making Howard the fall guy for Jimmy's removal from the case that he dove through dumpsters to assemble, all

I was initially concerned that my audio cut out.

Who else would have a vested interest in avoiding a hit on Hector, in addition to having the wherewithal to keeps tabs on the cartel well enough to notice Mike and track him undetected? The cartel would rain fire on the chicken man if Hector was sniped in the desert like that.

Beaver also mentioned that it was a hollow-point round. It wouldn't be able to go through two people, as far as my limited understanding of ballistics tells me.