
Nope, it was a Boogie Nights reference

The last bit of that opening scene, with the metronome ticking off while Chuck just sits at the piano after his second mistake, read to me as though he is the ticking time bomb that will destroy everything Jimmy has earned. Or at least act as the catalyst in Jimmy's reversal of fortune, in which he answers for his own

It spooked me too, so I found an interview in which he explains his water investments. I don't have the link handy, but Burry's explanation was that he isn't investing in water directly. He's investing in food transportation because food, specifically produce, is the most common way in which we transport water over

Are we supposed to believe this is some kind of magical xylophone?

Yeah! Hell! Damn! Fart!

She had a pretty nasty looking sore on her lip

And the director of the post-apocalyptic revenge movie in this episode was none other than the Chinaman who pissed on The Dude's rug! He drinks a lot now, so don't expect him to remember which Lebowski Jackie Treehorn actually wants to see.

I don't think Hooli is acting as a patent troll in this case. It would appear that they're claiming Richard developed Pied Piper on Hooli's time. He developed the music player on their time, but not the final product/service that has everyone clamoring for Pied Piper and Erlich's balls.

I said I wasn't a member of the CA Bar, so that's good to know (and pretty surprising) about the non-competes. My breath smells like your sister's unwashed asshole, don't act like that scent isn't familiar, and now you know exactly what I've been sucking.

I thought she was just doing an impression of Welch's work as Peter Gregory. It was the weakest part of the show for me, but it's an amazing show, so it didn't really take away from it overall.

It's a bullshit lawsuit. Even though Richard may have created the music player on Hooli's time, the actual service/product at Pied Piper's core is just the compression device. Since Richard single-handjobbedly reworked the entire code of the data compression in last season's finale (while far removed from his

Even in the madcap world of BB, Saul was often the voice of reason who
consistently advocated against violence and other "nuclear options." He
was the Mr. Pink of the Albuquerque underworld - the only real
professional who kept telling the hotheads around him to be cool. Gus
was also stoically professional, so he's

This kinda reflects Mike's statements about being a good criminal or a bad criminal. I'd have to say that Saul is a good criminal. He really just brokers black market transactions and acts as a middleman and money launderer. Walt would obviously fall into the bad criminal camp.

It's a class-action civil matter, as far as Jimmy, Chuck, and HHM are concerned. That's how they get millions, they're suing Sandpiper. Criminal charges will surely be brought by the authorities, but the characters in this show have no stake in that.

Villanova was never in the top 25

After everything we saw in this episode, you have the audacity to call me lucky?

"Chimp with a machine gun" stung me a bit, but it's a hell of a visual.


I think they're gonna do something bad to Kim. The last time we saw any indication of them was the reflection of the white van in the salon window. Shortly thereafter, Kim is hanging out with Slippin' Jimmy in the massage chairs.

Most likely just a subtle contrast of their characters