
I agree it soured the finale, and the age didn't really throw me off. A 13 or 14 year-old back then was way different from that age group now. I remember my 8th grade history teacher saying something like "The idea of adolescence is relatively new. Up until my generation or so (baby boomers), you went from child to

Yeah, I was just trying to start an idiotic rumor. The responses here are fantastic! I didn't think it would strike such a chord.

Margaret loved her kids. Maybe not her son as much as her daughter (Was it Emily? I can't remember their names and I don't really care), but that kid was a bit of a fuck anyway.

You leave my clients, their bacon molesting son, and Raisin Bran Crunch out of this!

I have to go with Breaking Bad 2 and The Wire 4 (With season 2 a very close runner-up) among the shows mentioned above that I feel qualified to rank.

Eugene Levy has refused to work with him since American Wedding, and even then their relations were strained at best. Levy has been very outspoken about his disdain for Biggs as an actor and as a person.

It came out in 2002, and… Freddy Got Fingered?! Fuck you.

It's mostly his punchable face, and the ways he delivered every single line he had in the American Pie movies. They even had a scene in the third one that mocked his bullshit "To the next step!" toasts.

You're right. Deliberate crowdpleaser is a much more appropriate term here.

Anything from Yanni's catalog

If they write a character with the intention that the viewers will hate that character, then kill that character in an outlandish way for a "feel good moment" (though highly enjoyable), I think it qualifies as telegraphed fan service.

She instigated it and he just chose not to tell her that he already turned her in. Choosing not to tell someone about something important (for personal gain, or to avoid retribution) often viewed in the same manner as lying/deception/fraud.

I like the movie, but I hate that fucking kid.

So you concur?

I know she didn't need to be humanized. They could have, but she was intended to be rooted against. Quite actively, I believe.


Her illegitimate son looks like Billy Crystal.

Rape by deception is not a recognized crime, even though it's very fucked up. And think it was a fucked up thing to do.

I think they anticipated hatred for Vee, just based on how she was written. They never even tried to humanize her, despite the fact that humanizing criminals regardless of their specific crimes is a major part of the show.

I hate Thomas Ian Nicholas far more than anyone hates Jason Biggs (Including Eugene Levy, who has refused to work with Biggs and publicly derided him as an actor and person for years now)