
She never was Latina in the first place. That was all part of her cover. She bleeds borscht.

Here at the AV Club, we've all rubbed out our fair share (Except Hipster DBag, as his nether region looks like those of the angels in Dogma) but how many people jack off to someone immediately after the object of the jacking leaves the room? That's some really bad impulse control at best, and pretty depraved in my

It was some last-second fan service, for sure, but still satisfying that Rosa got one last ride (due to Morello's compassion) and Vee finally got what was coming to her.

I said the same thing in a different thread, before I saw this. But the game is still the game.

Yeah, Caputo is very much like Carcetti in some ways. But the blow job scene didn't seem out of character. It was a stupid thing to do from a professional standpoint, but keep in mind that his introduction as a character showed him jacking off to Piper as soon as she left the room. And he was gonna do it again at one

I think Poussey described Vee's behavior and motivations
perfectly. She preys on younger, sometimes naive people - like "a
pedophile without the sex." Her life immediately before she returns to
Litchfield, and the violation for which she's incarcerated again, are never
given any detail. Though she did tell Tasty that she

I also prefer Pornstache to Healy.

BTW I actually am a lawyer so, much like The Shitty Beetles, this isn't just a clever name.

But it wasn't just a break-in with a missing teddy bear. That shit was personal. She took a bath and messed around with his fiancee's wedding gown and veil. It doesn't come off as a standard smash and grab theft, or a mischievous teenage prank. In my opinion, it warrants at least some further investigation, which

It's also easier for the writers if it goes away. That's all I was saying in terms of it being a plot hole for me. I'm not comparing it to Dexter levels of absurdity. It's just something that I don't buy, as opposed to something that I find impossible.

I just quoted a goddamned Geico commercial. Not good for the old sense of sanity, that right there.

Ha! Madest thou look.

The Groupon joke killed me too

I read Boo's behavior the same way in that scene.

Yeah, and I don't buy the lack of investigation into the break-in as a critique of the criminal justice system. It's a plot hole, plain and simple. None of us want to see Morello punished for it, and everyone seems to agree that Christopher's rage was justified.

Yeah, I find it totally unbelievable that people find solidarity through their respective race groups while in prison, and that conflicts arise between said groups.

I disagree. I found myself wondering during this season if she was pregnant in real life, or if they were padding her costume.

These are all good points. I just figured that they would at least consider the possibility that the person who broke into his house, stole a bridal veil and affectionate gift, and drew a fucking bath, was his stalker. Knowing that her prints are in the system, they'd really only have to analyze the stone rabbit she

Not to mention that guy she had run some late-night errands for her in NYC, including finding some scarce blueberries, and then spank the shit out of her. That guy is just a pile of neurosis. Seems like he'd be fun to hang out with though.

Here's my interpretation:
Angry, homophobic misogynist = garbage
Guy who loves women so much he jerks off as soon as one leaves the room = flawed bassist