
It is absolutely my least favorite part of the show. And my suspension of disbelief is running thin regarding Morello's break-in. Her fingerprints are in the fucking system.

Larry doesn't deserve as much screen time but, more importantly, Piper's brother deserves a spinoff. Though I'm sure that was covered last year.

It's a shame that you'll always be remembered for getting your ass kicked by Clint at the Moon Tower party.

There are plenty of great pizza places in Philly. You don't need to go to Osteria, but every neighborhood has at least one place that's damn good.

I think Jason Biggs does a good job with a complete noodle of a character.

I can't stand Polly. Larry at least seems somewhat self aware, in that he's a schmuck. Polly seems to think that she is actually an awesome person to be around. Crappy people who think they're awesome is typically my go-to definition of "douchebag."

Also, the tipping refund scam was such a better idea, and I didn't know anyone who had thought of it in my time. Damn.

I was an accounting major and I would use my meal plan "cash" that could be spent at local stores/restaurants to buy scratch off tickets, so that I could get cash for the winners. I know they're a sucker's game, but at the time I just figured "hey, free money."

Deb: "Are you a serial killer?"
Dex (In a thick Austrian accent): "Yes, but they were all bad."

Deb: "Are you a serial killer?"
Dex (In a thick Austrian accent): "Yes, but they were all bad."

Loath as I am to say it, I believe said grandmother was six three, two fifty.

I agree, but I think that's shortsighted on Gus' part. All of the Mexican cartels are fighting for trade routes and distribution territory in the US. North of the border is where the money is made, so Gus can cut the head off of one cartel, but that's not stopping the next one in line.

He could wait for the goddamn DVD's.

The brothers do, when seeking an attorney. That's why I changed my name from McGill to Goodman.

I stated my respect for Waters as an artist in my original post. And I do respect his abilities a great deal. My second post was just further touching on his pretentious nature, while assuring that it could be much worse (see: Jim Morrison).

I must admit that he was never as pretentious as Jim Morrison. That guy took the cake. I don't know if it was the psychedelics that made him believe he was the zenith of musical talent, but his ego astounds me. He was nothing more than a sex symbol with a decent voice, yet his lack of self awareness was essentially a

I can't deny his talent, and I love Pink Floyd. But Waters is a pretentious hypocrite. Dude calls himself a socialist (the "clash between his socialist ideals and the Floyd's legendary success" is what made him act like such a whack job for so long) but then demands 62.5% of the Floyd's revenues, because he insisted

Then he told the dog to attack me, and his wife put her titties in my hands.

At Tio's house in "Grilled" (s2,e2) when Tuco was holding Walt and Jesse hostage.

Talk about arrogance and pride. Only the most foolhardy jackasses are willing to pay a lawyer assloads of money, and then ignore his subsequent advice. That's one of our primary functions: the tell people what to do when they're in over their heads and we understand the game at hand.