Crunchy in Milk

Each of the ones you mentioned is included in most California English Textbooks:

@Shitegeist: You appreciate the thoughtfulness with which VanDerwerf explains why it sucks each week?

seconding Soggy's accolades for paragraphs one and two.

I don't know how to preface this request with disarming snark, but I need to hear the rest of Morgan's "erection" line. I began laughing very loudly at the word erection and missed the rest :(

letters or numbers?

An honest query:
When will Outsourced be canceled? I would like Parks and Rec. to return.

"I can't see through metal, kent!"

Lowercase r

"It's all about the who, and not at all about the what, and not even particularly about the how. It all goes back to the who. Like Pete Townshend"

How do you hide the "article tools" thing. I can''t see the whole text.

Funniest thing since "Garfield minus Garfield."

Structure as motif
I am interested in instances when the structure of the book becomes a motif.
-Frobisher creates a work of music where each soloist is interrupted, then each plays again in reverse
-Zachary and Meronym go up the mountain, then down it again.

What would be lost is that feeling of "Oh, hey, favorite narrator, I remember you, my old buddy!" when you start reading the second half. Also, Sloosha wouldn't take on the same gravity as the only solid mass. Furthermore, there is a quaint charm in allowing Ewing to end the 500 page book. His naivety seems somehow

And, ironically, all of Ewing's resolve to become a better person didn't even seem to put any of his reincarnated selves in any position of privilege.

"I thought it was just another way for the author to wink at the reader. As if to say, all of these characters are fictional anyway, why pick on one as fictional within the fiction?"

The motif of storytelling is MOST explicit in the Cavendish and Luisa Rey section. He is a publisher, well-versed in the business end of storytelling. She is a reporter. Her only motivation for most of the story is to publish a article/story whatever the cost.

Some thoughts
I am a slow reader, so I had to re-acquaint myself with Ewing nearly two weeks after that sentence broke off halfway through. With the narrators I especially liked, I found it pleasant to reacquaint myself. I really enjoyed the process of discovering, then re-discovering each narrative voice.
Also, it's

This comment made me cry.

Dangit, Todd, Cavendish's birth is obviously supposed to coincide with Frobisher's death! Come on!

Ah! I wanted to ask someone who did the audiobook about the accent for the Sloosha sections. What did it sound like? Hawaiian? My wife is from there, it's hard to picture Zachary talking like her family.