Kenny Paper Lantern

The dad looking in the closet for his gay daughter was probably the second most insane scripted thing I've seen on The Soup. (The first obviously being POTATO-DONO.) I seriously can't believe this show existed for as long as it did.

This is seriously depressing. "I Learned The Hard Way" was masterful and Sharon is one of my favorite singers of all time. Damn it, why do the good ones get sick?!

I was totally unaware this existed! Thanks so much!! Best day ever. (I'm reading that 'Comedians' might be incomplete on it, but I've given up hope of seeing that thing in entirety.)

Yeah, I've tried. I've found edited versions of just about every episode. Key word edited.

I'd also suggest classic Beavis and Butthead, if half of the series wasn't permanently lost to the ages. (It amazes me that we could lose that much of a television show - and a ridiculously popular one - in the 90s.)

Invader ZIM needs to happen, considering it's absolutely genius.

I fucking love Role Models. That movie is so underrated, and Ken Jeong is fantastic in it.

Take that back - Tracksuit Jogger in What's Up With That?! is my favorite recurring character on SNL. NEVER FORGET

Michael Emerson. I've wanted to see him host since his Lost days.

If Jon Oliver succeeds running The Daily Show when Stewart is gone, he'd have a really good shot of hosting, actually.

Why would he mention Ke$ha's body paint right now?

The 2010 performances were visually arresting, but I don't think I've ever heard someone butcher their own song so efficiently in their life ("Love Lockdown"). This was a definite improvement, both musically and visually.

Agreed, and Stuart is a fantastic character. And I thought Lucy wasn't a bad character, I just really liked the interaction between Stuart and Raj.

Please, guys. Sheldon/Wil is endgame.

I was wary at first, but those are adorable.

Please just give me that Stefon/Seth relationship I've been waiting FOUR FUCKING YEARS FOR, SNL. Please. It's all I need.

Watched the episode with Fall Out Boy in it, which I think was the episode before this. There was a drug overdose, a miscarriage of an artificially inseminated baby, a missing pretty white girl, a backstabbing scandal, a love triangle with a cougar, and an exploding stage. The things I do for my fandom.

If there's sixteen million viewers total for this show… OH GOD THE BIRTHING RATE WILL COLLAPSE!

Exactly. It's called having different interests. And even then, the OP is totally wrong - Bernadette, at the very least, is a female scientist shown to cosplay often. Amy is a neuroscientist, but her dismissive attitude towards comics is the counterpart to Sheldon's dismissive attitude towards everything. And hell,

She has the same cheekbones as Benedict Timothy Carlton Cumberbatch. It was disturbing. But I guess if you like razor-sharp cheekbones, yes, she's pretty.