Kenny Paper Lantern

No wonder the last country song I remember liking is Whiskey Lullaby - Christ, is all country music in this kind of rut?

Demetri Martin's If I gave me the confidence to completely change career trajectories because the underlying conceit to that special was so different from any comedy I'd ever seen at the time. This was a person whose unhappiness was completely rooted in his own choices and expectations - there was something so

Our Lord Jesus Fucking Christ speaks truths.

Please tell me this means Clint Eastwood will sing the end credits song.

Tosh.0 also killed Tosh's ability to do coherent stand-up. Compare Happy Thoughts to True Stories I Made Up and it becomes really obvious that the show's screwed him over.

Pilobolus performed at the theatre I work at earlier this year. Dear Lord, I was never so simultaneously disturbed and enthralled by anything in my life.

It's not really her music, but her abysmal stage presence, that bothers me about her. Someone please teach this girl to entertain!

It's not really new stuff that I'm against, it's the almost insane need for people to one-up each other with a newer, more obscure pop culture interest. I find that the people who do this generally do not have a serious interest in anything made beyond the past ten years.

On that note, all the television we lost to wipes would be great, too. Old Doctor Who serials are my particular thought here, but think - having all of the Super Bowl and World Series broadcasts alone would be unbelievable.

Okay, so I want to start listening to WTF, but a friend of mine who listens to it says that it's fairly daunting to just jump into. He suggested the Dave Foley podcast as a good start, but another friend of mine vehemently denied that and suggested the Gallagher one. Anyone got advice or suggestions for me?

I know this wish is pretty damned ridiculous, but I really wish that people would stop trying to be ahead of the curve with pop culture. If you're into comedy, why not check out some old Second City tapes or NewsRadio or the screwball comedies of the 40s instead of being obsessed with finding the next big stand-up?

Well, since we know bisexuals don't exist thanks to Ryan Murphy's tireless education efforts, Raj MUST be gay. [/sarcasm]

More movies should be like that. I might have avoided Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close if it had been accurately titled 'Exploitative Piece of Shit'.

Dave Barry Turns 40 has also held up remarkably well, and is a particular favorite of mine.

He gave us the greatest Beavis and Butthead music video commentary of the new series. I shall always be grateful for that.

Gary Oldman sort of makes up for never nominating Alan Rickman. Sort of.


Skateboarding demonstration from Tony Hawk?! How'd I miss that?!

I swear I remember 'chainsaw-fucking a dirty whore's cunt' being the subject of an Andrew Dice Clay bit of 'comedy' years ago.

Well, don't I feel dumb, that was the feel I was hoping you guys would go for. Thanks!