Kenny Paper Lantern

Any reason that particular episode of SNL was chosen? I know it's the one where Murphy stepped in to replace Nolte, making him the only SNL cast member to ever host the show during his tenure, but I have to think that the Madonna episode from 1985 would be just as intriguing.

AV Club doesn't want you to know that Criminal Minds is on. That's probably good of them.

I'm ashamed to admit I enjoy Storage Wars as a guilty pleasure show. It's certainly more enjoyable than The Real Housewives of [Insert City You Will Never Visit Here], and less likely to give me a migraine.

We get it. You named the monkey Katy Perry's Boobs.

I couldn't get over the fact that she looked like the red-headed teacher in Santa Claus is Coming To Town for a while.

I gave up after about twenty pages. At some point, there just aren't enough synonyms for cock-sucking traitor that you're willing to slog through. (Really. That is what most of this book devolves into.)

Since it seems like American comics discussion has been exhausted, what about all-ages manga?