
In my incredibly quick statistical analysis (CTRL+F'ing "Gravity Falls"), I think Gravity Falls takes the "Highest points per ballot", because it scored 15 on all three ballots it was on.

All My Friends is one of the greatest songs of all time, and probably would have been on this list had Losing My Edge not actually been called that.

All My Friends is one of the greatest songs of all time, and probably would have been on this list had Losing My Edge not actually been called that.

Ke$ha - Gold Trans Am
Kanye'n'co - Mercy
Kendrick Lamar - Backseat Freestyle
Best Coast - The Only Place
Taylor Swift - I Knew You Were Trouble
Asteroid Galaxy Tour - Heart Attack
Big Boi - In The A
Chairlift - I Belong In Your Arms
Frank Ocean - Super Rich Kids
Icona Pop - I Love It
Odd Future - Oldie

Ke$ha - Gold Trans Am
Kanye'n'co - Mercy
Kendrick Lamar - Backseat Freestyle
Best Coast - The Only Place
Taylor Swift - I Knew You Were Trouble
Asteroid Galaxy Tour - Heart Attack
Big Boi - In The A
Chairlift - I Belong In Your Arms
Frank Ocean - Super Rich Kids
Icona Pop - I Love It
Odd Future - Oldie

I'm not sure if the lack of MBMBAM or JV Club is more disappointing. On the one hand, there is no podcast that I laugh harder at than MBMBAM, but Janet Varney is such a great host, and even when I don't know the guest, I'm still fascinated by their stories and how they grew up.

I'm not sure if the lack of MBMBAM or JV Club is more disappointing. On the one hand, there is no podcast that I laugh harder at than MBMBAM, but Janet Varney is such a great host, and even when I don't know the guest, I'm still fascinated by their stories and how they grew up.

Frasier would like a word with you.

Frasier would like a word with you.

The best song from 2012 is Gold Trans Am, by Ke$ha. I will hear no other suggestions, substitutes, or sublimation of my statement.

The best song from 2012 is Gold Trans Am, by Ke$ha. I will hear no other suggestions, substitutes, or sublimation of my statement.

Obviously she was doing something right, because she started getting hired for writing gigs and doing slightly bigger shows, then got a Comedy Central Presents, then did the roasts as a roaster, and did Chelsea Lately, got an hour-long special for Comedy Central and then wrote a couple of pilots that people liked, and

Obviously she was doing something right, because she started getting hired for writing gigs and doing slightly bigger shows, then got a Comedy Central Presents, then did the roasts as a roaster, and did Chelsea Lately, got an hour-long special for Comedy Central and then wrote a couple of pilots that people liked, and

People fucking love Donald Glover, and he went from College Kid to Internet Sensation to Biggest Fucking Thing Imaginable in like, 5 years, if that. Cummings worked things like the CC Roasts and has been doing stand-up for 8 years now, it's not like she showed up one day and people said "You're an attractive lady,

People fucking love Donald Glover, and he went from College Kid to Internet Sensation to Biggest Fucking Thing Imaginable in like, 5 years, if that. Cummings worked things like the CC Roasts and has been doing stand-up for 8 years now, it's not like she showed up one day and people said "You're an attractive lady,

It's "piss" in the censored version, but "jizz" in the album version. Alas, the world isn't quite ready for their children to ask them what "jizz" is.

It's "piss" in the censored version, but "jizz" in the album version. Alas, the world isn't quite ready for their children to ask them what "jizz" is.

I'm with you dude. I'm of the opinion that Ke$ha is a secret musical genius, and this is further proof. This song is funnier than most serious comedian-musicians, Stephen Lynch eat your heart out.

I'm with you dude. I'm of the opinion that Ke$ha is a secret musical genius, and this is further proof. This song is funnier than most serious comedian-musicians, Stephen Lynch eat your heart out.

Over 100 comments and not a single "Taylor Swift is actually a guilty pleasure of mine, and this album feeds my desire for more country-poppy songs about boys"?