Justin Bieberbrox

You're crazy, and I'll allow you to amaze me.

Chicken schnitzel is very popular. I think that's what was referred to. Tonkatsu is also traditionally pork, but chicken tonkatsu is similarly popular.

If you've never read Pat Metheney's take on Kenny G, you haven't lived. I'm not a huge Metheney fan, but there's no doubt he's a legit jazz legend. Hearing him go off on Kenny G is delightful.

Yeah, actually. I saw him with ARU a couple of times, and him laying down and flopping around wouldn't have seemed too out of place. He was very into the whole performance art aspect of the performance. What made ARU interesting (to me, anyway) was that the musicians playing under his antics were all absolute

I grew up in Maine and never did the butter thing with lobster or clams, and I don't do it with crab either. That stuff's expensive and delicious, I want to taste it. If I'm craving butter, I'll put some butter on bread or popcorn.


4. You could pick a background that's not a random doorway that appears to be halfway through having new trim installed. I understand that the presenter is legally blind, so maybe someone else could pick the location?

This is a stupid straw-man argument. Pizza Hut loses not by comparison to fancy-pants pizza, but by comparison to good NY-style or pan-pizza places that make their dough fresh from real ingredients. I've got three local chains that make great, working-class pizza that'll kick Pizza Hut's butt any day of the week.

Annoying in concept, but surprisingly enjoyable in execution. Mostly because this guy's voice (and guitar skills) are amazing. The Frank Zappa one was my favorite, I'd listen to an entire Zappa-style cover of this.

You can get a pretty good sense of Nikki Sixx from his radio show, which is on most nights on a heavy rock radio station (KBPI in Denver, for example). He seems like a moderately smart but douchey guy who thinks he's super-smart and god's gift to the world because he was in a successful band. He also definitely has

CC Deville was the first guitar player that made 16-year-old me realize "hey, these guys in these famous rock bands… they're actually not very good musicians." CC Deville plays guitar like someone who's had lessons for, I dunno, a year maybe and then decided "fuck it, I'll just use what I know from here on out."

These puns are getting into the Danger Danger zone.

Got it. This Matrix reboot/whatever could be good, if they don't just rehash the surface-level conceits of the original (bullet time, leather and latex fetishwear, heavy electronica, epic CGI fistfights) and instead focus on the underlying metaphysical hard sci-fi concepts that are what made the original interesting

Whoah, whoah, hold on a sec. Years of drug abuse can leave you impotent?!? Why was I never told this?

I don't know that I'd put it quite this harshly, but I definitely hear what you're saying. His style was to sit so far back on the beat that it felt to me like he was struggling to keep up. I know that was probably intentional, and a lot of folks like that style, but it always bothered me. I prefer a flow that's

Well, what would you propose then? Something's gotta be the apex, and this seems as apropos as anything else.

Vancouver, BC?

Flaw in your reasoning: he'll never resign. He'll be impeached, then he'll drag it out forever trying to fight in in court, then he'll claim he wasn't actually impeached at all, and a significant minority of the country will agree and refuse to recognize the legitimacy of a new president.

You mean people had different opinions about their subjective appreciation for a piece of music? Amazing!

Just curious - why are you not counting 1989? I really dig that album, possibly because my 6 year old daughter is hugely into the Taylor Swift album so the songs are all somewhere in the back of my consciousness, and it's nice to hear them expressed in different context.