Justin Bieberbrox

Funny that no one seemed to focus on, you know, the chiles. As far as I'm concerned, everything else is just filler for what should be a rich, deep, flavorful, spicy-but-not-burning-your-tongue-off gravy that tastes primarily of roasted ancho, guajillo, New Mexico and chipotle chiles. But I guess that's just me.

Ahem… Steely Dan?

Dang. Way to make me feel bad for laughing at this. You're right, though.

Yup. People with a babysitter and dinner plans, who have a time window to see a movie and have to work within that, for example. Not that I'm ever in that situation, mind you…

This seems to be the most accurate summary of where things stand. It's too bad, I really think Vedder and Abbruzzese were the highlights of the band in its early days, but at this point if it's the band's call then he's likely out on principle.

Seriously? Go is bland drumming? Or the re-recorded version of Evenflow (the one in the video)? It makes the album version with the original drummer seem really lame.

That video is awesome, although it does highlight Dave's tendency to rush the tempo. You can hear him pushing it and the bass bringing him back. Still, his feel and energy more than makes up for it.

The drums are the best thing about Vs. The drumming on Ten was adequate but kind of weak and forgettable. Drums are the first thing you hear on Vs. and they pretty much blow your head off. Love the drumming and the sound of the drums on that album.

It can be two things.

He was the second, and the one that everyone actually saw play because the original drummer quit right after "Ten" (their debut album) came out. They even re-recorded "Evenflow" with him, and that was the single version that was in the video and all over the radio, and he played on Vs. (one of the best drum sounds on

If snarky reporting on pop culture offends you, I think you're in the wrong place.

Ani Difranco's "Hello Birmingham." I'm not a big fan of hers generally, but I literally have a hard time suppressing tears when I hear that song. It just so perfectly encapsulates frustration with the personal impact of violence that is done in the name of a cause (the example in the song is about the killing, in

It can be two things.

If I order it to be Kosher AND Halal, will I just get a pile of explosives and missiles?

Airport food is a whole different topic. There's some amazing food in airports now. The tortas from Frontera Torta in O'Hare are good enough to make me actually look forward to a layover in O'Hare, hard as that may be to believe. They're legitimately among the best sandwiches I've ever eaten.

This must be a first class thing… can't recall having been served actual food in an airplane since I was a very small child, and I'm not rich so I fly coach. Sorry to hear that your $1500 ticket doesn't come with edible food.

It's like a more irritating, less original Napoleon Dynamite with a female lead. So… great job?

Or just sharpen them. Sharpening knives is a thing, you know.

Sound Link Mini is the one Bose product that's actually really good and not overpriced (compared to other high-end bluetooth speakers). What Bose does well is make something very small sound a lot bigger than it is. But their actual normal sized audio products pretty much suck.

Pedantic point: the Maillard reaction is proteins browning, not sugars. Caramelization is when sugars brown. Two different, albeit similar-looking, things.