Justin Bieberbrox

No Tool, huh? I thought every white suburban kid with an interest in rock music was required to appreciate the "thinking man's metal."

As explained already, you add other ingredients to get to the specific recipe - this is just the base for the sauce, not necessarily the final version. But I agree on the texture in the pic - it's definitely too watery. Either letting it reduce more, or a touch more thickener, would take care of it.

Have you tried the "skillet/broiler" method for homemade pizza? It requires a cast iron pan or pizza pan. Heat the pan on the stovetop over high heat until it's smoking and turn on the broiler in the oven with the rack at the highest position. Make your pizza and slide it onto the pan on the stovetop, then

Lower temps will cook more slowly so the food will cook all the way through instead of getting a little scorched on the outside but still crisp inside (which is how stir fry is generally supposed to be). Also, lower temps will never caramelize sugars or brown proteins, so you don't get that toasty flavor.

This is true mostly, but there are actually a few situations where medium heat works better. For example, if you're trying to stir fry tofu to get a nice crust on it, it'll just scorch over high heat - medium for a longer time will get you a golden brown, crispy crust. But yeah, if you're doing most vegetables or

Black bean sauce, oyster sauce, etc. are ingredients. You don't generally just dump black bean sauce over a stir fry - it would be inedibly salty, for one, and the texture would be weird. So, you incorporate it into a sauce like the one in this recipe. I cook a lot of Chinese (mostly Sichuan but I'm not above

Gotta go with M. Emmet Walsh. Can't think of anything he's been in where he was less than awesome. (Some of the movies themselves, not so much.)

It needed more of that "Barton Fink" feeling.

Username checks out. I'll allow it.

I once picked up a hitchhiker while driving from the little mountain town I lived in, 30 minutes outside of a slightly larger town where I worked. The hitchhiker looked relatively benign on the side of the road, but when I picked him up it became clear that he was a raving lunatic. I knew this because he spent the

I'm only really familiar with the older stuff, so I have to go with "Porch" (they tear it up live) and "Go" (the album version has some of the most powerful sounding drums ever).

What kind of smack? I'm in the same generation (turned 40 this year, listened to Pearl Jam on repeat throughout late high school), and Bono seems pretty much universally respected by everyone, if not loved.

Do you not like truffles, or just truffle oil? I agree that most truffle oil tastes weirdly perfumy and horrible, but actual truffles (or oil infused with actual truffles and not fake truffle flavor) are delicious.

I was unable to sleep for weeks after seeing "The Terrible Tunnel" episode of Fraggle Rock as a seven year old. Haven't seen it since, but I imagine I'll show it to my daughter at some point so she can share in the experience of being abjectly terrified by half-mops, half-puppets.

Maybe, but we have a long way to go. I pay less than $20/month for Amazon Prime and Netflix for 90% of the shows that I'd want access to and nothing for an over-the-air antenna for local sports, versus the average cable bill north of $100/month.

Pretty much.

I'm sure Amazon agrees with you, but it's not their decision with respect to shows produced by outside networks. They have to license the episodes from the producer of the show (in the case of the Americans, FX), and the producer generally wants to have some time to sell paid episodes and DVDs before it shows up on

No bacon involved? It's like they're not even trying here.

Had no idea that President Obama was such a rockin' guitar player. Thanks, Obama!

I'm midway through Neal Stephenson's Seveneaves, which is namechecked in the track. Can't decide how I feel about it yet - it's super technical, with pages and pages about the science behind each thing that happens. Really cool in a way, but also kind of tedious after a while when you just want to find out what's