Justin Bieberbrox

"Fuck the napkin!" - Sir Ian Faith

I'm personally looking forward to "Staplers."  That one's got a lot of potential.

When you put it like that… they totally ripped off the plot of Seven Samurai!

Except that Scarlett Johannson has the single sexiest voice in Hollywood, so it's pretty spot-on voice casting.

3. Turns out that Hank didn't actually get the hint on the toilet - he was  grimacing because of a particularly large stool passing at that moment. He goes back to the barbeque, and everyone lives happily ever after.  The rest of the season is a series of Walt and Walt Jr. breakfast montages.

That reminds me… what the hell happened to Ted?

And then szechuan dumplings, after the deal is done.

Collaborate and listen.

No Journey?

Yeah, but it's got airplane debris in it.

Thieves FTW.

This makes me want to get a job in a habedaschery, or perhaps a chapeau shop.  "What size do you wear?"  "Do you wear black?"  I think I could muster that up.

Yep, I thought the same.  Couldn't just have them float away.  Nice to have an all-purpose pursuer in the white orc, so that anytime things threaten to calm down Jackson can create yet another massive CGI battle setpiece.

Or even lobbing lilliputian lads in the library.

This is the thread you've been waiting for, isn't it?

Enter: Tool

1. Because many/most guitarists aren't as capable of filling space with their solos as Dimebag, and it ends up sounding kind of empty;

I'd rather have lobsters on my piano, than crabs on my organ!

I quibble with your definition of Mike Patton as a "rock musician."  Otherwise, yes.

Definitely not FNM - he was a hired gun to replace the original singer (Chuck Mosely), and basically just tried to turn the band into Mr. Bungle.  Not to say they didn't end up making some pretty great music (might have to pull out Angel Dust after typing this), but Patton seemed like more of a very magnetic sideman