Justin Bieberbrox

We're all a bunch of fickle mushheads.

RIght, and the car was the balrog (smoke monster), and the garage was moria!  It all makes sense!

YES.  This.  Though I haven't seen the next couple of episodes, perhaps it surfaces (please let it surface, otherwise I've lost all respect for the plotting).

So… just remaking Shaun of the Dead, then?

I scrolled aaaaaaalllll the way down here just to find and "like" this comment.

Agreed.  I read the review and thought "shit, did I completely misunderstand what happened there, or turn it off too early or something?"  Needs to be corrected in the review.

I read that as Frank deliberately pushing Claire's buttons - emphasizing to her that maybe she can't trust herself and he's the one being rational.  He knew it would piss her off, but also that she would later ask herself "am I being rational, or is this just menopause fucking with me?"  Seems in line with the way he

"Beastie Boys become Beastie Men in Beastie Ritual."

I hope his tour bus has a bumper sticker that says "Work-Free Drugplace."

Which makes her work in the movies even more amazing, since she specializes in playing horrible, horrible people (see: Michael Clayton, Moonrise Kingdom).

Ha!  I was going to say the same thing.  I saw them open for Def Leppard in, I dunno, 1990 maybe, and I still remember thinking "wait, didn't they already play this?" at the end.

"You Belong To Me" by Steve Martin and Bernadette Peters FTW.

My guess is you would have been slightly less cognizant of what was going on if you were sober.  Sometimes a little assistance with suspension of disbelief actually helps comprehension.

Fair enough.  But Drive is his highest visibility project to date (well, maybe Gangster Squad, which doesn't really help your cause), and now he's got another seemingly identical project coming down the pipe, so his batting average isn't seeming stellar.

I haven't seen Lars and the Real Girl, and he still seemed a little mentally slow to me in Drive.  Maybe because he barely speaks and mostly acts out in shows of violence.

I…. I don't get it.  Ryan Gosling, I mean.  He's a nice looking fellow, but Drive was basically him staring blankly and being unable to communicate, and occasionally squashing someone's head. Not exactly a masterful acting job, and the film overall just seemed lifeless.  I don't get the love for it.  This looks like

I assumed most of it would be Boober lamenting, but there's a surprising number of non-Boober death references.

Huell: My Dinner with Saul Goodman and Other Stories of Life in the Fat Lane

Next you'll be telling me that Karl Hungus wasn't really there to fix the cable.

That Tina can sell anything!