Justin Bieberbrox

Made it about 30 seconds into the video before turning it off, and I have one question: how do these young scamps know what "fast forward" means?  Isn't that a tape reference that's pretty much been gone since CDs and the internets took over music?

I count four layers of shirt on Eddie.  That man is fully committed to the grunge aesthetic (or he really doesn't like wearing a jacket).

Darker than a black steer's tookus on a moonless prairie night.

Ack Ack, let me tell you a little story. A story about a little fat kid who everybody made fun of, and nobody liked and he had a twin brother, and everybody said he never looked like his twin brother, but he wanted to… 
Egg, where you that little boy? 
No! No! But I used to beat the shit out him! "Why are you so fat?

I'll chime in here, as I always do, to say that I've eaten a lot of Hosea's food and it's fucking delicious.  Say what you will about his performance on the show, the guy can cook.

She does kind of have a 1970's Bowie vibe going on.

Padma's hatred of Kristen is pretty transparent.  She clearly doesn't like being in the same room with other tall, slender, gorgeous women - same thing happened when Charlize Theron was a guest judge, you could see Padma sort of seething in the background all episode.  I think she likes being the center of all the

I ordered some of her cookies when she was selling them online.  Delicious.

Perhaps it's just a faint hope, but Pixar (now part of Disney) has a great track record of delivering high-quality, detailed CGI that feels full of life.  If they can apply that, maybe there's a possibility that these new movies won't suck.

According to the internet… cats.  Lots of cats.

Glad I scrolled down before posting this same comment.  Ever since AVClub switched away from YouTube embedded videos, I can't play them in Chrome.  Might work in IE - I don't know, I'm not about to switch back just to watch clips on AVClub. But it's annoying.

It's got a funky beat, and I can bug out to it.

Admit it: you googled how to spell that.

Wait, hold on a sec… Gilbert is the same guy as Goose?

You can pick up a porkpie over in the hat district, on Third.

That's the greatest cat in all of the internet.  Except maybe that Breaking Bad cat, he was pretty badass too.

And Healthy Choice!  Don't forget to plug Healthy Choice!

And Healthy Choice!  Don't forget to plug Healthy Choice!

Read Tom's blog at the Bravo website.  He explains that, despite the editing, the judges really liked Sheldon's filet and loved his kimchi - it was only the tempura that fell flat.  Whereas they didn't like anything about Stefan's dish, Curtis's attempt to be polite notwithstanding.

Except for the good aliens in Star Wars, and the bad aliens in Star Trek.  So that clears that up.