
I must apologize; I just read last week's Jersey Shore write-up and got the overview and intro for which I was searching. I think I've had my fill. Reading shit 'bout the Shore isn't going to make me any more tanned or jacked. I've got work to do!

I recently became aware of this show as a thing that happens. I was surprised to see it reviewed here on the august AV Club because I understood the show to be a weird celebration of vapid cunts and douche bags who go out of their way to be so douche baggy that other douche bags look at themselves in the mirror and

I love that whole…situation.

Extra weak sauce. That's what this episode had multiple packets of. I have no Heroes defenses to make.

As this page's one Heroes apologist let me say that this episode was a fucking disaster (I mention that I normally point out the ok to good parts of the episode because I've got nothing on this one).

I read down below people saying that this has been the best season since season 1. I agree. I liked this episode. We found out that Samuel is Magneto and if he can amplify his power he is totally going to wipe out all non-special people. Finally the sinister flavor of the carnival has been explained (cause before

I liked The Lost Room perhaps because, as my enjoyment of the terrible Heroes suggests, my taste in TV is increasingly suspect.

I assumed that the coffin Trinity was making was for Dexter. He (Trinity) was definitely not cool with the deer killing and was, even before that, not happy with Dexter for whatever reason (maybe still incensed over the whole 'i'm holding your dead sister's ashes).

I have mixed feelings about SNL. As someone moving to Chicago to train at Second City, SNL represents in theory a lofty target for an aspiring (chiefly) sketch comedian. That said, it usually has more bad than good in it and I cannot bring myself to watch it regularly. Lonely Island guys: pretty fucking solid.

I don't think that there is a review page for the show Castle so I'd like to shoot in here to say that for the halloween episode the Nathan Fillion character (Castle himself) dresses as his character in Firefly/Serenity and explains that he is a space cowboy. His daughter tells him that it's been five years and he

I am thinking that 30 Rock lacks certain thematic elements found in higher class scheiser (spelling? whatever is the word for shit) porn. Perhaps the 5000 who watched it were led to believe someone would take a hot dump on Liz Lemon and the millions who did not watch it correctly understood there to be none of that

Will no one mention the line "I will eat bowls of cherries and ghost meat to celebrate him"? (again, forgive the approximation involved in the quote).

I will read this book with trepidation but also with a desire to enjoy it. I was raised by a Hitchhiker's fan so I will get him to buy it (I live in the same city) and avoid shelling out 25 bucks for potential weakness (although a B is a strong review). Adams was seriously depressed when he wrote Mostly Harmless and

This news is not as exciting as Branagh directing. Have you seen his Othello (both his acting and I think he directed it and am too lazy to check) and I do think his Hamlet is definitive.

Uh, better than first trailer, still not great.

First, it was going to be a show about hi-tech badges on patrol. Then we thought, who is behind the badge? Police…cops…Police-cops.

I move to Chicago some time next month. If a TGIAppleChili's like Houlihan's would put it on the big screen (or a screen) I would totally get in on the regular AV club watching of it. I enjoy about 30 seconds of every episode non-ironically and I would love to get as much out of the rest of the show via merciless

They put all of their limited writer ability into Angela Petrelli's line "You should write Mother's Day cards." I liked it.

Stare into the eclipse and the eclipse stares back into you.

Torture motherfucker…torture.