
Or you can roleplay as a rebellious youth from T2 and hack the ATM all cool like.

So "Raise the Barr High" was taken?

Ah but are they farm-to-arm?

Only one man has both the cash and the Bea Arthur fever to have made this purchase.  Deadpool.

I am disappointed by how many democrats like two and a half men. Shame on you/us.

Soooo- when listening to Not-Locke explain to Sun how he killed those people in the temple cause they were confused and he gave them a chance to follow him and they declined, all I could think of was Old Testament God (and in a more oblique way, New Testament God). Follow me! No? You will die.

Fucking "A"
I was so proud of the Simpsons tonight. Suck it, haters! Good lines throughout- made me think of 30 Rock.

Believe it or not, this interview, even with all the shameless buck passing, clarified for me a lot of why Heroes has been super weak for a long, long time. I am not saying that if all of Kring's complaints were met the show would be perfect BUT I imagine that if he was doing a 13 episode a season show with no

The ASQ thing is probably better called an acrostic than an acronym as it is arranged vertically and doesn't spell a proper word (British people call non-word acronyms "initialisms"- hilarious).
Also, I have been drinking refreshing adult beverages.
Finally, this episode was rock fucking solid. I liked the Community

Anyone got the skinny on the likeliness of a third season beyond the fox chief saying how they are 'behind the show, great relationship with producers, etc"?

The frogurt is also cursed.

I, to this day, remain extra fond of any strip involving Calvin making or having made snowmen. His dad sighing and saying something like "Home sweet home" when he sees the snowman eating a snow child or saying "Must be *meat-loaf* (or something)" when he sees all the dead/choking snowmen are classics.

Even in the thick of all the episode's awesomeness I wondered, "How many times have I seen Juliet die today?"

Oh and it gets credit for no Mohinder, Hiro, Ando, Angela Petrelli, triplet ice lady, or Parkman. Ando and Parkman can, but only rarely do, have their moments but its safer to leave them off screen.

Allow me to preempt the professional review with this very short amateur one (leaving out plot summary also):

At some point in an early episode Walter was very excited about the Clapper. It was not just a great 'kooky Walter' moment but also I think was true to his super-passionate-about-science character. If you come out of isolation after twenty years or whatever (10?) and run in to little inventions like the Clapper that

Well there could not be a Peter Bischoff in the alternate universe as that Peter is the one in our universe.

I feel like I am eating bait set out by a troll (beware!), but, Anonymous Douchebag, my chief reply to your anti-Dark Knight sentiment is: huh?

The problem is with the ratings. If this show did not have to worry about snagging new viewers then it could reward the existing fans with awesome mythology episodes. As it stands, it seems to need the vast majority of its episodes to be standalone so as to not put off the new viewers.

Also skanks. Gotta go get with some skanks. And totally do the sex with them.