


Just re-watched it. He SUPER grabbed it. Wow.

Just re-watched it. He SUPER grabbed it. Wow.

Yep. Out of all of them, Cole is the most deserving, but I still think he's sort of a crazy person, so I can't fully get behind him as a winner of the show. Bummer.

Yep. Out of all of them, Cole is the most deserving, but I still think he's sort of a crazy person, so I can't fully get behind him as a winner of the show. Bummer.

Ehh, great show, bummer results. George should not have been in the bottom. I thought he danced the hell outta his routine, and he was one of the few things I didn't hate about last week. But he does not have a face that 13 year-olds love, thus, so it goes. I mean, I think Cyrus is great and that we should probably be

Ehh, great show, bummer results. George should not have been in the bottom. I thought he danced the hell outta his routine, and he was one of the few things I didn't hate about last week. But he does not have a face that 13 year-olds love, thus, so it goes. I mean, I think Cyrus is great and that we should probably be

This was bad. Like, bad bad. I initially freaked when I heard the concept, but Cyrus stepping into Twitch's shoes made me immediately regret my excitement. It's painful to watch the judges not *really* criticize Cyrus's stilted, disconnected performance—they just kind of smile and give him a pass because they know

This was bad. Like, bad bad. I initially freaked when I heard the concept, but Cyrus stepping into Twitch's shoes made me immediately regret my excitement. It's painful to watch the judges not *really* criticize Cyrus's stilted, disconnected performance—they just kind of smile and give him a pass because they know

Hear, hear.

Hear, hear.

I knew not of these home movies. But now I shall not rest until I find them.

Seconded on #4. It's starting to feel like Mark and Melanie, who had WEEKS before they had to really go outside their comfort zones. Someone, quick, give 'em a cha cha!

Seconded on #4. It's starting to feel like Mark and Melanie, who had WEEKS before they had to really go outside their comfort zones. Someone, quick, give 'em a cha cha!

Meh. This show kind of left me cold. Whether it was the bad musical choices ("Call Me Maybe"/that weirdly paced salsa number that Audrey and Whasshisname got) or the inordinate praise heaped on certain routines from the judges (Stacey Tookie, I'm looking at YOU!), I just didn't 'connect' with this show, as the judges

Meh. This show kind of left me cold. Whether it was the bad musical choices ("Call Me Maybe"/that weirdly paced salsa number that Audrey and Whasshisname got) or the inordinate praise heaped on certain routines from the judges (Stacey Tookie, I'm looking at YOU!), I just didn't 'connect' with this show, as the judges

Right. Even if it WAS super obvious, the loveliness of the image just got to me.

Right. Even if it WAS super obvious, the loveliness of the image just got to me.

You know, I don't even know what the ad's for. I think shoes, but I also think it doesn't matter. Just that damn BATB metaphor rearing its head again.