
I only vaguely remember this particular episode, but I do recall ten or 12 year old being moved possibly for the first time by TV during the Christmas Episode with Mr. Hyunh

As a history grad student I'd just like to say that its not the format of oral history that is at fault for these sorts of books making bland reading. oral history, when properly done still has problematic elements, but it also has the potential to be deeply interesting and incisive. This strikes me as being more of a

Stop being reasonable, dammit.



I like the campiness of the later Mirror Episodes. Sure they aren't as great as some main story that's being told in season 5, 6, and 7, but they're pretty fun for what they are.  

I like the campiness of the later Mirror Episodes. Sure they aren't as great as some main story that's being told in season 5, 6, and 7, but they're pretty fun for what they are.  

I'd characterize myself as a moderate republican, and I can't stand Hannity, but that Rove meltdown last night was one for the ages. Oh, and I enjoy watching MSNBC sometimes, it's important to take in all point of view and what not.

I'd characterize myself as a moderate republican, and I can't stand Hannity, but that Rove meltdown last night was one for the ages. Oh, and I enjoy watching MSNBC sometimes, it's important to take in all point of view and what not.



Every one knows rape can't get you pregnant.

Every one knows rape can't get you pregnant.

I'll defend voyager on the grounds that I liked that characters and that in short spurts it told some really great stories like "The Year of Hell" ( I also really like Robert Picardo.) However it squandered a really great premise by settling into the wrote Trek cliche of exploring the Delta Quadrant mystery planet of

I'll defend voyager on the grounds that I liked that characters and that in short spurts it told some really great stories like "The Year of Hell" ( I also really like Robert Picardo.) However it squandered a really great premise by settling into the wrote Trek cliche of exploring the Delta Quadrant mystery planet of

DS9 really does have a nice trend of giving its characters decent monologues.

DS9 really does have a nice trend of giving its characters decent monologues.

I don't know I found it kinda insulting how they kept referring to members of the LGBT community as "Enchanted Queens"

I don't know I found it kinda insulting how they kept referring to members of the LGBT community as "Enchanted Queens"

Lets not forget the occasional dollop of misogyny that only the best Trek romance stories manage to throw in.