
Lets not forget the occasional dollop of misogyny that only the best Trek romance stories manage to throw in.

The progression of Jake as a character really is something that, while never a main thread on the show, has always been something I find impressive about the show. His reduced presence later while perhaps regrettable does flow naturally out of the fact that his arc becomes increasingly tangential to the main stories

The progression of Jake as a character really is something that, while never a main thread on the show, has always been something I find impressive about the show. His reduced presence later while perhaps regrettable does flow naturally out of the fact that his arc becomes increasingly tangential to the main stories

thats what post production is for

thats what post production is for

So glad to see this back. S3 is imho the point were the show starts to really turn the corner from enjoyable Sci-Fi fare towards becoming something that's still one of my favorite shows in the genre. Plus the Defiant. 

So glad to see this back. S3 is imho the point were the show starts to really turn the corner from enjoyable Sci-Fi fare towards becoming something that's still one of my favorite shows in the genre. Plus the Defiant. 

@avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus consider yourself one of the lucky people.

@avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus consider yourself one of the lucky people.

can we get the black guy from scrubs to play Green Lantern?

can we get the black guy from scrubs to play Green Lantern?

I watched this show a lot on TV land when I was in high school, and the "Dear Dad" episode and its sequel(s?) were some of the best episodes of a comedy show I'd watched. I've expanded my horizons a bit since then, but this list reminded me how much I loved that show.

I watched this show a lot on TV land when I was in high school, and the "Dear Dad" episode and its sequel(s?) were some of the best episodes of a comedy show I'd watched. I've expanded my horizons a bit since then, but this list reminded me how much I loved that show.

My only question after reading the review is why Carrie has such obvious hatred and bile for musical chairs and apparently every other children's game.

My only question after reading the review is why Carrie has such obvious hatred and bile for musical chairs and apparently every other children's game.

As someone who specialized in Soviet History in college (yeah that's pretty much as useless as it sounds) it always annoys me when these documentaries portray WWII as the US and our BFF Britain versus Hitler, with a quick acknowledgement to the largest war in history that was occurring in Russia, typically in the form

As someone who specialized in Soviet History in college (yeah that's pretty much as useless as it sounds) it always annoys me when these documentaries portray WWII as the US and our BFF Britain versus Hitler, with a quick acknowledgement to the largest war in history that was occurring in Russia, typically in the form

Now if only they'd do the polka version of "Tribute" that I never knew I wanted until I saw that picture I could die happy.

Now if only they'd do the polka version of "Tribute" that I never knew I wanted until I saw that picture I could die happy.

Glad to see I'm not alone. Hilariously great review for a show I've only ever seen about 3 episodes of.