
You're absolutely right about this. Though I doubt his rep would be tarnished at this point for not going to college. LPG is a successful restaurant. and I imagine many people, post watching New Orleans, are going to give LPG a try. When I think John Besh, or hell, even Anthony Bourdain, I never think "ah, so what

… and he's banging a 20 year old. And he reads Lolita to her on picnics to the park.

"in a winking and ironic way?"

Not at all. The Roman Catholic (and Charismatic Catholic) Church does actively endorse the Second Coming of Christ, marking the end of the world as it exists, and the beginning of the reign of heaven on earth. It's in the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

unless there are specific pieces, her wardrobe doesn't seem anthropologie at all to me.

I am in love with Flawless! So happy she sampled Chimamanda Adichie's "We should all be feminists" TED talk speech. It's probably one of Beyonce's most powerful tracks on the entire album for me. I suppose it may be due to the fact that i just finished Adichie's "Americanah" not too long ago and that I'm forever more

They have these really touristy mobile tapas bars in Barcelona, that has a bar in the middle, and seats with bicycle peddles for each guest on it.

Didn't learn about Golems in Sunday School, nor Bible Study. Nor was it ever referenced in my Apocalyptic Literature & Book of Revelation course, nor my Theological Perspectives of Reformation and Hebrew Studies. The Psalm he referenced was Psalm 139:16, horribly ripped out of context. it reads:

Rebecca Black's "Friday"

Well in haunted house episode, Abbie seemed to have hesitated a bit before answering Crane's question about whether his son was dead or alive when she recounted the vision of Katrina (about to type "Katrine" there, RIP Borgen) giving birth. I remember thinking that she was probably hiding the truth from him about what

it was the only way he could figure to finally get his parents' attention.

I just remember being very disturbed by the Penguin and his story in this film, as a kid. It was entirely depressing.

Not a fan of the Danny/Mindy arc. The show has suffered, IMO, from having soo many underdeveloped characters packed in such little time that a dramatic relationship would only detract from the possibility of everyone else discovering their own dynamics with each other, narrow the show's scope, and beat itself dead. I

Danny was always good at dancing. The pilot episode had them go to that club where Mindy first met Josh. And that secretary from Long Island developed a crush on him?

its a wasted effort. everyone knows that artery meat is where the money (and your vital blood volume) is at.

I was waiting for a grand connection between Abbie and all the demonizing of her present events of life. Glad the episode served it up well. It was informative, but not an overbearing origin story. I imagine that there's much more. But, I like how each episode involves a point of discovery and understanding for both

:-( He can at least don all of Ovadia and Son's fall 2013 collection AND keep his 18th century swag intact. as long as they don't show him a price tag.

Robert Irvine is very creepy. I remember watching a special food network personality episode of some kitchen battle show that wasnt Iron Chef or Chopped that pitted a slew of chefs with their families against each other to make variations of family meals. Irvine brought his boobtastic bimbo-ish wife on the show and

I thought it was a really bittersweet moment when Birgitte was mentioning to Philip that she can't be a good girlfriend, a great mom, AND a party leader during election time in reference to her not communicating with (insert forgettable boyfriend name here), to which Philip responded "I'm glad I'm not that boyfriend."

"It's a plot twist worthy of a seamier episode of Days Of Our Lives."