
Ehh…. I'm hoping Elementary doesn't follow the Sherlock plotting of "all roads lead to Moriarty". I'd like to see Mycroft become the central figure (sinister or not) of the second season at least.

it was beautifully filmed. its cinematography was reminiscent of Sherlock.

But but! he was so good at making me feel so bad for him. :(

Hmm. Never thought of it that way, but you do bring up an interesting question. I was under the impression that he truly was distraught about his mother's death. He joined the A-team to fight the Dark Elves due to his "rage" which I assumed was his taking to revenge. I think he thought that his mother was the only

I enjoyed Eureeka's Castle as a kid. Loved the count. I thought Magellan was adorable. I wanted Eureeka's hair. And the only sketches I remember were the ones with these colorful pox-marked siblings who ate peanut butter all the time. Whenever I watched the show, I was over a friend's house and said friend was


thats how i feel about Bourdain

ugh Marcel. I would easily do Spike from Chicago though. And Dale. Together. Spike and Dale.

oh wait… now i want this.

i once found a spider the size of a dime on a bunch of grapes i kept in my fridge the day after i bought them. dumped my whole produce drawer into a Hefty bag.

Oh! I'm not sure why but I found that I Got a Boy music video really refreshing and fun to watch. for some reason it brings me back to stuff on Disney Channel circa 1999.

and to many people, for a black person, " a past that may not be what it seems…” is simply having a well-to-do upbringing, a good family network, and was not exposed to Ebonics.

I am very interested in the premise of this show! few series really depict blacks as a dynamically powerful group of individuals. as a soon to be black physician, i still get treated a bit differently than my not-so-black peers. granted, i am in the south, but for example, one of my patients looked at me and my

Downton Abbey had the highest ratings of any show besides the Super Bowl during the Super Bowl on Super Bowl Sunday last year. so maybe PBS trying to hold on to that achievement by throwing in another show with a strong following (just in case they lose viewers who only watched it for Matthew).

he seemed to me like he tried to impersonate every villain ever done before. like he watched The Dark Knight over and over again until he got an imitation of Heath Ledger's Joker down.

ugh. he was insufferable. he appeared more to me like a bratty little brother than some fearsome evil mastermind. or like a bratty next door neighbor that the holmes brothers didn't want to play with and he developed conduct disorder because of their rejection. i simply couldn't take him or his over-the-top acting

Take to the sea!!!

but sometimes he didn't finish the challenge, and for some of those episodes, i was appropriately disheartened.

I get it. At first i thought he seemed like too much buffoonery. but he's grown on me.

YESSSS! Love this show!