Minimum Maus

Post a firstie?

Don't be mean. Once he hits puberty, he'll be pretty awesome.

I Dunn'o who that could be…

They say nobody made a good cover of "MMMBop", but if Johnny Cash had survived long enough to record one more album…

Many cop shows feature dark and provocative material: psycho-sexual killers…

Damn it! There were no other visible comments when I wrote that!

Maybe the show is just tired of dancing around Pat Sajak's politics?

This article is a false flag.

Becky is suddenly adrift? Hasn't she been adrift since she lost the title?

It doesn't help that the WWE is screwing over both women's divisions. It's hard to build yourself up as a face or a heel when you're in nothing but six-woman tag matches over and over again. They've managed to kill off Bayley as a character people care about, so I can't see them somehow managing to build up someone

Only if we can call him "Pornttonchops".

The land of the free and the home of the brave.

I've known men who really, really didn't want to buy them.

Not understanding how periods work isn't sexist. Still insisting you have the answer to them though despite people who have periods telling you you're wrong? That's sexist.

It's still a guy thing, considering who invented this.

He also seems to think keeping your labia shut is "ladylike".

It's a product designed by a man with no idea how any of this works but has decided he knows better than anyone else about how to deal with it.

So what's the deal with (many, not all) men not wanting to pick up pads or tampons while they're already out shopping? Are they afraid someone will realize they're in a relationship with a possibly fertile woman?

What? Really? Five kids? Let's see… Ivanka, Don Jr., Barron, and Tiffany. That's four! What? You're telling me that ghost isn't a ghost but another son? Get outta here!

Oh, I'm not arguing that it's not worth it. I don't know what I'd cut to make it one shorter film. I just remember some of the scoffing the decision got, but at least it was an artistic decision and not the crass commercialism that comes with two part movies these days.