King Bastard

I'll be honest, what I liked most about the Kinks was the guitar work, so Lola vs. Powerman's always been my favorite Kinks album. SOooooo many good songs. The VGPS doesn't really do it for me as much, but maybe I just need to listen more intently, and to the whole album all together.

*coughs coughs coughs HUGE FUCKING BLACK SABBATH RIFF*

What's cattle but a second-hand emotion?

RefCal, I was when I became King. They said "check it, you're the new King Bastard" and I was all "WORD UP BITCHEZZZZZZ" and then we had a big ol' party and Kid & Play showed up.

It was WORTH it.

I really am a genetically engineered superhuman tyrant who once controlled more than a quarter of the Earth during the Eugenics Wars of the 1990s. After being revived in 2267 by the crew of the Enterprise, I really did attempt to capture the starship, but was thwarted by James T. Kirk and exiled on Ceti Alpha V to

Will You Marry Me = the sex slave I keep out back in the tool shed. How the hell did she get an internet connection? I'm being a little too free-handed with my slave apparently.

I wish we could just dump all the pop culture and make this site about boobs. I'm pretty sure I would never leave.

Will You Marry Me, I wish my life was one big bewbage filled Pilgrimage.

Downfall, was that from something? I laughed my ass off. If I ever have a kid, I'm going to say that shit to them everytime they achieve anything.

@drdarkeny - I'm in agreement. He would've done an awesome job of that. I don't know how it would be to see him in costume; that might be ridiculous given that Eastwood's so inextricably linked with Westerns, so seeing him dolled up in a Batman outfit might just be laugh-inducing, BUT, he's definitely got the

That's what I do. Please love me. I'm so sorry.

Ending Nolan's run on Batman (or at least ending the legacy of that if he wouldn't want to go more than three movies) is a tragedy, because I was hoping eventually they'd work their way through a lengthy franchise to get to The Dark Knight Returns. I REALLY wanted to see that one done at least in the general style of

I just find it odd that he never uses contractions.

MDDG always knows how to make me happy. :)

Shut your potato-hole.

Jena Malone's in this? Is she one of the ass-kicking girls? I have such an enormo-crush on her. I might have to see this piece of crap now.

I must be doing it wrong. Every time I use it, people look offended. People like to talk too goddamn much.

Excellent idea!
I do hope they come back to these characters. A special would be perfect. Maybe a TV movie or something. Spaced, ten years later. Ordinarily I'd think something like that would just taint the original (I said taint!), but I actually have faith in these people's abilities to do it right.

Meyer had better casting though. Of course, I'm crazy for enormous breasts.