King Bastard

I just wanted to be the third one to say it.

Lisa needs braces.

I might even could listen to these guys a little bit if they still had Frusciante, and they DIDN'T have Kiedis.  That guy's voice actually pisses me off.

Word to all of your respective mothers.

You know, I heard it from a friend who heard it from a friend who heart it from another you been messing around.  Is this true?  If so, I'm heartbroken.

Dang, I love these writeups.  I'm disappointed they're going away "for the foreseeable future".  Bring it back already says I!

And I meant every word I said, when I said that I loved you I meant that I loved you fer-everrrrrrrrr.

I just don't listen.

After that, it's Flavor Flav, all the way down.

Steve Albini could produce.

Seriously, no one's seen the one I described? I think it was from 1982 or 83. "The Blonde Next Door". Awesome movie.

Please keep it up. I love this show, and I LOVE these writeups. The attention to detail and characterization, and the inclusion of behind-the-scenes network goings-on and whatnot… good good stuff. Thank you, Philly-Boy Nugent.

I'll be the only one to come out in favor of this development. To be honest, I watch a lot of internet porn myself, because I am cheap and it's there, and I'm terribly lonely and undersexed. But you all knew that. If MDDG had been my busty babe, as I'd intended, this wouldn't be a problem, but life doesn't always

I care nothing for this group. But I care about Walgreens for some reason, so I'm glad this sonofabitch got what's coming to him. You don't steal from Walgreens, you shitty mass of unidentifiable origin! You leave Walgreens alone! Go rip off a Costco or something!



I'm going to devalue this already largely valueless thread by discussing my love of large ample bosoms.

I use a fine shotglass of single malt scotch and a lit match to get rid of those pesky pubic hairs!

"Ace of Spades" by Motorhead. It's a signature.

I actually preferred the edited version of the song "The Bells" that made it onto the box set. Took most of the unnecessary stuff out of it, but left just enough in for you to know that it probably went on way too long in its non-edited format.