I like the idea that he has an F-18 form. He's a transformer, no wonder he's so badass!
I like the idea that he has an F-18 form. He's a transformer, no wonder he's so badass!
Word, Bullets. That's a pretty apt breakdown.
I dunno man. I hate them fancy lads.
Somebody needs to cook up a movie franchise with him, Mel Gibson, and Randy Quaid. That would be awesome.
The Matrix is turning back on itself with this stuff. What's real? What isn't? What the hell is Morpheus doing up there pretending to be an actor pretending to be a Supreme Court Justice?
I don't know about all THAT, but he definitely gets the vote for palest and most hairless writer on the site.
Mine too. From now on I want all of his bylines to read "Sean O'Neal, Everyone's Favorite Andy".
Hey lookit that! As I'm typing that last thing up, I get "Icky Thump" in the mail!
I saw it. I actually thought the Edge came out best of the three, but that's just because I always hated the Edge and his mountain of equipment, but hearing him talk about his approach made a lot of sense. I was judging him as a guitarist in the traditional sense, when he is anything but.
I finally watched that Under the Great White Northern Lights thing, and TOTALLY fell in love with Meg White. Not even (completely) for her beautiful stackedness… she just looks beautiful, plays drums with wild abandon, and has the cutest smile ever. Dammit.
I think The O'Neal looks like Paddy Considine, one of the Andys in Hot Fuzz.
You just like 'em because they make your dick look bigger.
Yeah, fuck these guys. Tasha rules.
Todd, it did capture that feeling, and I think that's what some of us are impressed by. It captured the idea that you and your friends could roll with some ecstasy, go out, and have an amazingly good time, and just like drunk people are having fun but have their own little twitches, and stoned people are having fun…
Victor, I have those same feelings about a number of people:
Jim, I checked out Thayer on Wikipedia, and while I'm not sure if they STILL make him do menial chores, apparently he was initially hired to be their personal assistant, so he was doing stuff like cleaning the gutters, painting houses, arranging hotel service, etc.
Oh yeah Montrose. That shit was hard, sweet, and sticky.
If you'd stop farting, they might think better of you. I'm just saying, if you can hit everyone in a ten meter radius, you are eating entirely too much sausage.
Again, I really think if you're going to talk about bands who had their heyday 30 or 40 years ago, you need to talk about their work 30 or 40 years ago. Don't judge Aerosmith (or KISS for that matter) for their shitty work in the 80s/90s/right now, because they're obviously WAY over the hill. You don't hear anyone…