King Bastard


If Franco scratched his ass, and Twitter did not report it, did it really happen?

Franco loves me, this I know
For his Twitter told me so
Horny girls to him belong
They are eager for his schlong
Yesssssssss Franco loves meeeeeeeeeee!
Yesssssssss Franco loves meeeeeeeeeee!
Yesssssssss Franco loves meeeeeeeeeee!
His Twitter tells me so.

On the first day, God created Franco. On the second day, God gave Franco a sweet stache. On the third day, God said "fuck it" and that was it. Bible's over. Nothing more to see here.

It's important to me to know who's ass got scratched, and why.

I do, and perhaps you could pat my head and tell me it'll be alright?

Oh MDDG.. you break my heart… I'm all out of love. I'm so lost without you. I know it's blah blah, blah blah blah blah BLAHHH BLAH!! I'M BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH, BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH, BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH, BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH… BLAHHHHHHH!!!

Franco-ly, I think you do. Franco is all that's on anyone's Franco these Francos.

I can't wait for season 5 to get on Netflix instant streaming. I don't have cable, but I finally started watching that show whilst sick with the flu, and it was so goddamn funny I didn't even get rest, I just watched ALL FOUR SEASONS available all in one week. I'm so in love with Liz Lemon, and might actually be a

I choose to gawk unprofessionally, and then continue attempting to grow wings.

You laugh now, but just wait til your woman Overladies force you to wear a pink bow around your penis. It's not going to be made of silk. IT'S GOING TO CHAFE.


Tis true… porno from a particular country makes me hungry for that country's cuisine as well Persia.

We've got all KINDS Of lychee down here in Houston, thanks mostly to a huge Asian population, and not one but TWO large Asian areas of town. My favorites were the huge containers of lychee jellies, where a little chunk of lychee was imbedded inside a little candy jelly (like jello, but with more sugar and not

unicyclistperiscopes, tell your mother to BACK OFF.

Sure, just as soon as I find some busty chick to breastfeed me.

I wonder what would happen if you stuck Tark's AV in a closet bound to a chair and forced him to listen to "Baby Got Back" for 24 hours straight, over and over? I think that would be fascinating to read what he wrote after such an experience.

My balls are always in motion.

I get that one guy's point up there, but fuck, I would've KILLED for a bunch of Maeby panty-shots in Arrested Development. I was so hot for that girl.

I love living in a world where people can argue with a guy named "Loose Stool". *happy sigh*