King Bastard

Man I loved it, but it's a matter of taste. I also like patchouli, so there you go.

Come on now… isn't this article basically carte blanche to say "I like big butts and I cannot lie"?

I enjoyed the clips of him running without his special genital girdle. Who knew he had a perpetually priapetic 38-inch penis that slaps him in the face when he jogs? I certainly didn't, but it does explain all those girls going nuts over him.

In Houston we have the big Maxwell House coffee plant. The whole area smells AWESOME.

Perhaps George produces an insufficient amount of semen.

In Soviet Union, percussion feels YOU… and you LIKE it.

All I see over there is blank screen.

Dang, Stuckey's pecan logs. I remember getting those whenever we traveled when I was a kid, and I still don't know why. I hate pecans.

Shit Heap should play Doctor? I'd hate to be YOUR sister.


Word up, Murray. I'm present, for sure.

I always thought that was part of the humor… they never fucked her, because when it came down to it, they were so intimidated by a real woman that they couldn't go through with it.

Does she really count as "busty'? To me, Christina Hendricks is "busty". Kat Dennings is "busty". Zoe Kazan is blazingly cute and I would drool all over her such that she needed a rain poncho to get near me, but she is not really "busty".

I'm usually more morose and withdrawn.

It's like we've got one brain, fastandsloppy, and we're sharing it.


I just like a woman who will say intelligent unembarassing things while I'm laying my head on her enormous breasts.

It was the time of day…
…when a cold veil draped over the valley in shadows and the quiet sounds of birds settling into their nests, a closing-in of shutters and doors… dusk. When the valley felt somehow smaller, more insulated from the rest of the world, a sort of bubble we all lived in, protected, even if it was

Am I misogynist…
…if my perfect woman has giant breasts but DOES have a brain? I'm not sure where the line is drawn.

I would let her touch my scrotum, it's true.