King Bastard

Me, I stick to watching pornucopias of DD-list talent.

No, I think he was right on. Goebbels liked the womens, and lots of 'em.

I would not applaud the second coming of Christ. I would instead feel really stupid for not believing in that stuff, and being proven fatally wrong.

I've watched it. I appreciate it as a counterbalance to all the truly fantastic and hyperbolic bullshit from Beck and Limbaugh and all that, but he IS a little over the top. I like him alright, but I don't know, even if it is necessary to try to balance out the damage done by the rightwinger windbags, it feels a

Malingerer, go check out the movie Johnny Dangerously. Not nearly the same as that, but aside from being utterly ridiculous from beginning to end, it sports a nice scene where a fake priest is escorting the titular character to the electric chair, droning on and on in fake latin phrases. "Post meridian… ante

C'mon pah mee owah

I NEVER eat boogers. Sorry, but that is revolting beyond compare. Well, I guess if you told me you snack on poo that might be worse.

I'm much more worried about the holes in Will You Marry Me. Do I have a plan to patch them up? In a way, yes.

I thought Cleon Skouse was the guy in charge of my office building's cleaning crew. Wait, my trashcan is full! CLEONNNNN!!!!

Ad hominem de facto a priori, pax vobiscum pro bono per diem. Opus Dei, quo vadis? Pro tempore tertium quid ultima ratio, ultra vires, ex abundati cautela disce aut discede (de gustibus non est disputandum de jure). Ergo erratum contra spem spero. Amen.


To properly be appreciated, that picture must be accompanied by the sad trombone wah-wah-wah-wahhhhh sound.

Poo, given the way America works, who but a billionaire is ever going to get anything really big off the ground?

I like Key Lime Pie… I think the fact that I don't love it solely comes down to a truly idiotic issue: it doesn't really sound like CVB or Cracker, but something in between. I guess my passion for Our Beloved Revolutionary Sweetheart soured me on Key Lime Pie as a CVB album, because it just didn't sound like them.

I love that song. I was a big fan of CVB's "Our Beloved Revolutionary Sweetheart", but outside of that, only really loved Cracker's "Kerosene Hat". And Low is the best song on that album.

Much like "Government Center" is always what I listen to whenever I have to go down to the courthouse or whatever. Makes me feel better for all the secretaries.

Excuse me, I think I just Flauberted in my pants.

Poops, says I.

That's the name of my new band, Sex Puzzle.

I'm excited to see Kat's boobs.