King Bastard

I enjoy the Taboo series, with Kay Parker.

I love Battle Royale too, but I was always distracted by what I viewed as a monster plot hole. Of course, I never read the book, and that might've helped, and maybe I'm missing something…

I'd be all like a ninja from "Ninja Assassin", but instead of using one of those blades-on-a-chain to cut people in half, I'd use my 27-foot-long penis. You know, the one you've heard so much about in TV commercials, and in checkout line tabloids?

Heheheh… "BLARGARGLE" indeed! "BLARGARGLE" indeed…

I love the gimmick, and I AM America.

I'm assuming if there were females about, my telepathic super-intelligent dog would sniff them out.


She's cute, it's true. And I have to admit, when it's on women of legal age, that haircut is kind of hot in a pseudo-anime kind of way.

That doorknob was asking for it!

Actually, let me be clear, just because I just love exposing my pitifulness to one and all: when I was in high school, there were no drugs. No drugs, no sex. At least not for me. I knew people who did these things, but I was never involved, and could never figure out where this stuff was happening. It was like

He appeared to be, yeah. But that's what makes him so cool. Unlike most mob accountants, who are always depicted as nebbish nobodies who are perpetually terrified by the more violent aspects of the mob, Patsy seems perfectly at ease.

Yay Homicide write-ups! I LOVE that show. Rewatching it now as we speak.

I am not a hobo, but I play one in your dreams.

I understand, believe me! I don't even watch shows like this, because it just makes me frustrated my own high school (and college, and post-college, and post-post-college) years were so sexually barren. Sure, I had lots of drugs, but that was mostly to make me not care that I wasn't getting any. (Though honestly

Kids these days…. ach! They have more sex and get better drugs than in my day. Why, in my day, "Skins" would've involved a bunch of Reagan-era teens making out with each other before the girl removed the boy's hands, leaving the boy a sweaty mass of blue balls and crushed expectations, and then everyone would go

What's the difference?

And this time I was THIS LATE with the money to go back and get it out of hock!

We've been over this in the last thread on this thing. Most of us didn't get much sex in high school, and are perennially frustrated by it, because here we are, adults now, and trying to make up for the lack of sex we were supposed to be getting as teenagers. Except now we're not as good looking as we were as

Throw in blowjobs and you've got my holy trinity.

He got it in a pawnshop, and NO IT WASN'T STOLEN