King Bastard

*looks around, confused as to what to do, settles for doing nothing, thus maintaining inherent classiness*

Just ask pretty much anyone around you. They'll be happy to tell you, I'm sure of it.

Aww, phodreaw noticed my fungibility! *blush*

Dan: Is this love that I'm feeling? Is this the love that I've been searching for? Is this love, or am I dreaming? This must be love, 'cos it's really got a hold on me.

Snoop Doggie Dogg need ta get a jobbie-job!

I had an interesting perspective from a foreigner on this… apparently in Europe they're moving more to dubbing over subtitling, presumably so you're not distracted from the integration of sound and picture by having to read. However, it has the added drawback of weakening their ability to learn English, since

I believe the children are our future.

Hipsters enjoy singing "Baby Got Back" without actually liking big butts, and being unable to lie about it.

Jupiter's Penis, that man has a point!

I love the word titillating.

No, I am Spartacus. You always get to be Spartacus!

Jupiter's Penis, this was a handy write-up!

I just figured that was Keifer doing Peter Lorre.

KenHr, get Rocks or Live Bootleg. Both AWESOME Aerosmith albums. They were good once. It was just a long long time ago, and they've been around for eons since, to remind us of how good they were, a long long time ago.

KnowhutImean, Vern?

Neither was it a compliment when she called your erection "truculent".

I'm with you McLurk, I LOVE me some Aerosmith in the 70s. Specifically the quartet of Get Your Wings, Toys in the Attic, Rocks (the best Aerosmith album EVAR!!!!), and Draw the Line. After that, I just can't bring myself to care.

Whoa, that's an INTERNET rule?

Dear President Obama. Where do babies come from?

Hopefully he'll just pop up as a self-consciously grinning celebrity cameo in someone's crappy college comedy sketch. You know, like that beatboxing ad for hair gel from American Idol.