King Bastard

Also, two and a half years later, I've lost my keys. Can someone help me find them?

Two and a half years later, I can confirm that she and O'Hara were paid less than the men even though they did the same work, though I think they said that got fixed in the second or third season.

Yeah, let's turn it into a movie. Get me a treatment by Thursday morning.

I second City of Lost Children's fabulosity. It stands as one of my favorite movies of all time, and my true introduction to Ron Perlman sans makeup. I also think Resurrection has stuff to recommend it, but it loses it in the details. The overall story is cool, the stuff with the scientists experimenting on the

"Death is Waiting, and Will Take the First Man Who Screams"

I wonder now if they're even releasing it solely on CD. Looks like a CD is included with some of the vinyl, but it looks like vinyl is the primary medium for this album. I understand why, but it's still a little disappointing for those of us who aren't really into collecting vinyl.

I usually say "hot Japanese girls YAY!!!!"

Anyone know how to get hold of this album?
I've looked around, and I can't seem to find it anywhere. Amazon has a vinyl copy for almost $30, but fuck that. I want it on CD so it's cheap and portable. Anyone?

My balls are serious too.

I like big butts
And yet
I find
Repeatedly it seems
That among my
Vast swaths of failure
Standing alone, a peak
My inability to lie about it.

I think she's American.

Hey Sum Guy, I give a shit. I love it whenever MDDG comes to a thread. I fantasize about her craziness. ;)

Oddly enough, I've LONG been a fan of Phan. Not only is she freaking hot as hell, but yeah, you hit it on the head, it's hypnotic. It's like those guided meditations, but not nearly as cheesy. I don't even know nor care about what she's saying most of the time; this King does not wear makeup, though my regal

Shore, not Short. Make of that what you will.

And brilliant! Oh my god, I WOULD watch that. Jersey Short, but only every seven years.

Where is Cookie Monster to defend monsters?


Oddly enough, Hello Nasty is the only one I never cared for, and I'm one of the few who really enjoys the 5 Boroughs for its old school charm. I'd say PB first, then Check Your Head.

Almost everything you post says more about you than the subject at hand, Mr. DBag. Not criticizing, just observing.

Hey everyone, Bunny Lebowski's looking for the original trilogy on DVD. I have it on good authority she'll suck you off for it. And let a friend watch, but only if you throw in the Christmas special.