King Bastard

Particularly since Buffy's been straining against the weight of her responsibilities for a long time now, and invisibility frees her from those responsibilities.

I thought that was a DRUNK called Otis. Like in the Andy Griffith Show.

What do dead babies not have?

Chartex, I recently got news from my friend Jon Bon Jovi that you're only halfway there, and what's more, currently living on a prayer. I would say take my hand, I already have a spare, but that would not change the fact that you are living on a prayer. Living on a prayer.

And are you… nasty?

Perhaps he was making two unrelated comments.

That girl is poisson!

Well to be fair we are talking about degrees. It was shitty before, but it's shittiER now.

You did what with the Shore's taint?

And I want to piss on a mess of New Yorkers!

Well sure, NOW it is.

That's the beauty of the unfolding onion blossom that is Udo Kier. He raises more questions than he answers.


Well, for me and Udo Kier anyway. And Just a Nigga that Loves Titties. Kind of have to include him, since it's in his name and all.

Wait, who DOESN'T love big breasts? Or am I opening up yet another dam of breast-related commenting? Perhaps I should shut up. I don't want anyone else to love big breasts. I want all the big breasted women for myself.

I like how the interviewer basically conceded to his every demand for how the interview would go, because he's Udo Fucking Kier, and he'll pierce you with his gaze from a million miles away.

Wow, I love this guy. I always thought he looked insane, and I'm so glad he did not disappoint.

What's funny to me is that Detroit's decline has been going for so long, and is so engrained as a part of our national culture, that you can go all the way back to 1977's "Kentucky Fried Movie" for jokes about it. That's a seriously protracted and much-remarked-upon decline!

Agreed. I think I first became acutely aware of him in The Usual Suspects. He was AMAZING in that. Just like was said above: he made those murderous threats sound totally commonplace and not worthy of a second thought.

Plus, I always remember the first time I saw Parker Posey, in Dazed & Confused. The "hardcore bitch" role she had seemed too perfect for her, and in everything I've ever seen her in since, it's hard for me to lose the underlying impression that she could turn on a dime and become that super-bitch all over again.