King Bastard

Yeah Gefredo, how about you suck my dick?

You lose.. comrade!

Yeah, really there were few assholes to be found in A Mighty Wind, other than Fred Willard's character and the married leaders of the New Main Street Singers. I never saw FYC, but I think the only movie in which your premise is actually relevant is Best in Show, if I remember correctly.

I applaud your design. I prefer the rounded symmetrical bottom of a P Bass, but that slender J neck is so easy to play!

Ever notice cops only say there's nothing to see here when there absolutely IS something to see? Some sort of weird disconnect going on there.

You wouldn't last five minutes on the Creek.

It did kind of make the rest of the film feel a little lightweight. Except towards the end, when he realized he wasn't going to get the house to the right spot. That hurt way more than I think the movie intended it to, solely because of that first 20 minutes.

However, lest that last statement confuse anyone, I DO give a shit about getting head. Very much so. Available orally-talented ladieez, take note.

In all seriousness, all you have to do is find one thing you love. It doesn't have to be what you get paid to do; I find in fact it's best if it is NOT what you do for your job, because then commerce and money-making never interfere with that which you love. Love and money rarely mix successfully; if you're paid to

I figured it was "Wait, have you been drinking, you blonde slut? Come here, let me smell your breath. Oh my god, you reek like a vodka factory!"

As a single guy who desires to find a wonderful soulmate who doesn't really care to have children, I found it had a resonance that really messed me up too. It was like "Hey King Bastard, here's the life you really wanted for yourself, and guess what, the guy who got it lost it! NO ONE gets to be that happy!"

Someone call for me?


I'd have said "Heart Attack & Vine" over those other two, though I agree I never got anything out of "Bone Machine" or "Mule Variations" either.

Yeah, but see, in Knocked Up he still had to "grow up" out of his slackerdom to keep the relationship. That's what I'm trying to avoid.

For this sort of thing I really enjoy Filmsack. I dig a bunch of guys sitting around bullshitting about movies.

Oh holy hell I'm with you there fastandsloppy. I had to excuse myself to the goddamn bathroom, and I'm not a big cryer-at-movies type. I don't see how anyone could watch that and not cry. Jesus.

*takes notes*

Yep, and in all sincerity, that's kind of how I feel about my own slackerdom. I've seen ambitious people in my life rewarded with those exact treatments, and I just don't know that that kind of life is worth it. I'd much rather just do whatever job I can to get by, try for something as comfortable and stable as

Dammit Hollywood!
As a heavy-drinking slacker much too comfortable with my own complete lack of ambition, I would prefer more movies be made that show people like me in wonderful highly sexually charged relationships with pixie dreamgirl types who love us no matter our rudderless existence! Is that too much to ask?!