King Bastard

You know, people usually pee or poo. That's bathrooms for ya.

See the ridiculous suits he's wearing in those videos? That's it.


It's a scientific fact that EVERYONE looks like Bradley Whitford when they are hit in the nuts.

I believe I often enjoy their Ice Teas.

Not that I'm not ridiculously late to the game, but dammit, Bob K got my line!

And to you as well!
By the way, next year, can we have a new section on the AV Club that will be comprised of videos of various AV Club staff drugging and sodomizing each other?

Nonsense sir! I think all women should bear the names of their fathers, but with a distinctive "ette" on the end of their names to connote femininininininity.

I vanna hoe too, but all I ever meet are "nice girls".




I'm kind of afraid of what a lonely goatherd would do to poor Jolene.

Christian Slater… great actor, or greatest actor?

I'd like to buy a Canadian neighbor as well. Maybe there's a place with a two-for-one sale going on, and we could pitch in!

Does anyone wear anyone else's disembodied intestines coiled on their head like some sort of sausage-shaped flesh turban? No? Then it's a PG-13.

You might fail as an organism, but you succeed as a MUTHAFUCKIN PARTY ANIMAL FO' LIFE!!!

I like to think all the other lines are moving faster than my line because my line is full of fineass ladies that don't want to be moved out of my periphery too quickly. They're just all in line, soaking up my man-scent.

I would, but he charges too much and I'm not gay.

They could've quit after Some Girls and I would've been fine with that.