King Bastard

Oh now, Levon Helm is an EXCELLENT singer. The man packs more soul into each syllable than Henley could ever hope to.

As someone mentioned above, Walsh gets a lifetime pass for being in the James Gang.

Ricin, I'm trying, but I can't find the vagina.

Yeah, see if you were a THIRTY-something, you'd have been hating the Eagles way before Lebowski.

Seeing stuff like this encourages me to do more senseless crazy things in real life.

He might set up shop in your ass, if the rent's cheap enough.

It seems almost cliched for me to pop up in this thread, but cliches are often based on some inherent truth, so here I am!

Here's a trick: put on all your leather, then turn around and look into the mirror, and the first piece of leather that grabs your attention, lose it. THAT'S the right amount of leather.

Genevieve likes girl-on-girl stuff. I don't know the details, having only skimmed things, but I got that much. It provides an interesting view of her writing on this site!

This was great and all, but…
Not once did Steven start off by saying "Genevieve, you ignorant slut…"

I guess it says something about me that my favorites are in your B-list. Nothing tops "Where Eagles Dare" and "20 Eyes".

OOh a Twist of Caino, OOh I'm drinkin Drano, OOh a Twist of Caino makes me cum on fire CUM ON FIRE!

You rang?


I wouldn't know. I've never felt you.

Actually, the best entry point for Danzig…
…is that video that I don't know the name of, that's kind of a documentary about him. He comes off like a sullen man-child, defending his choice of Wolverine as the most badass comic book character, and never without his "I'm a short badass" face on. I could not stop

To me it makes more sense NOT to show them, thus generating additional interest in the inevitable DVD set.

I may need to check out Cannibal Girls, being a fan of Reitman, Levy, and Martin. (That sounds like a law firm, or a vaudeville trio.) I'm not really sure if I'd like them as much in a horror movie though. For those who've seen it, is it at all funny? Do Levy and Martin bring the Second City vibe to it, or are

I shoot a massive blast whenever a hot lady touches me. She has to touch me repeatedly though, and generally in a particular spot, but you already knew that.

Happy Birthday, you mindless tool of evil. I would've gotten you a present, but your brother Tomax took it already. I bought you a cake, but your brother Tomax ate it already. I rented you a hooker, but your brother Tomax used her up sexually already, and now she is good for nothing but soliciting passers-by on the