King Bastard

I would give Gillian Anderson maximum smooches.

Did someone mention my willy sausage?

I sure do like bathing in twat goo.

Idiotking, I think you're right, but still, what's done is done. I stand by my original point, but also I think it really ONLY applies to things we've already seen in the LOTR series. He already showed us Bag End and the Shire, so we know what that looks like, and having the beginning and ending scenes of the Hobbit

I've been to a place where clothing was optional, and yeah, most of the people who choose to go naked are not people you would choose to SEE naked.

It seems like trying to have Bag End be anywhere other than where it was originally filmed, in NZ, is going to take people right out of the movie. There's no way Peter Jackson can do this film, do it with his style, tying it into LOTR like you know he's going to, using at least some of the same actors, etc., and NOT

A hobbit-ball is about 3/4s of an inch in diameter, and they usually come in pairs. The sperm they contain would be killed by standard body temperature, so they are typically kept just outside the body in the "scrotum", which is a storage unit for the hobbit-balls. As to how you play with a hobbit-ball, that's up to

Ah, yes, naked party of two? Right this way.

You know what else is wrong? Mayo on french fries. Cut that shit out!

Why you wanna make a brutha cry?

MY penis will be, from now on.

Probably about as awkward as trying to pee while also pushing out a fart, and talking on the phone with your girlfriend's mother.

Honestly if they just put a lot more boobs in there, I could do without the killing. Or the murderer. Or the dialogue. Or the non-boob-revealing actresses. Or the actors. Or the plot. Or the credits. Or the score. Or the opening title sequence.

36 Chambers if far too many Chambers for a man of my modest needs. Perhaps a small estate of a mere 12 or 13 Chambers would suffice.

Enkidum, I try to maintain a nice 90/10 split on snarky-to-nonsnarky.

I was 18 in 1991, and could not bring myself to care about Nirvana. I don't know why that is, and honestly it's kind of become a bit of a cultural divide between me and people even a year younger than me. But by 1991, I was a freshman in college, and was REALLY getting into music in a big way, and was primarily

Just one man's opinion, DBag, but lyrics like those aren't really bleak so much as they are an overdone parody of bleak.

Who's Don?

I prefer Darkseid of the Moon.

I can stand by that.